Chapter Five: Fatal Flaw Is An Inconvenience

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Percy's pov

My life has been going great since I teamed up with the titans and became one. I feel more accepted than I did with the gods and demigods. I have become more powerful and more experienced in sword fighting. I am now at Kronos' level. 

I groan and roll my shoulders, these past few days I have been fighting harder than ever. My rage for the gods, the campers and my so called friends boiling like a pit of lava. The pain hits my chest every time I think about them. I can feel my fatal flaw pulling at me. Making me want to go to them and tell of what the titans are stocked with. But then a part of me feels the pull towards the titans. They all managed to weave their way into my heart. 

I smash my hand onto my desk. I feel angry, but my heart keeps falling apart no matter who I choose. I run my fingers through my hair and pull it in frustration. I feel tears fall from my eyes. I blink them away, not wanting to cry. But they keep falling, one by one until I'm a sobbing mess.

I wipe my face in an attempt for the tears to stop, but they won't. It's like all my pent up emotions were stopped by a dam and that dam was shattered. Their betrayal hurts so much. It tore me apart. The words they said to me. It keeps eating at my heart. All the hurt I feel is because of them and it hurts me to side with the titans. But they deserve this. The gods are not fit to rule. 

My sobs crease to silent tears until I'm just sniffling. I rub my face and control my breathing. I stand up and walk towards my bathroom. I turn on the sink and splash my face with some water. I sigh, needing to get ready for my training session with Oceanus today.

I walk out of my room, my head in other places when I bump into someone and pain flares through my butt making me grunt. 

"I am so sorry Percy, I did not see you there." a voice says, sounding rushed.

I look up and see Kronos, face coated in a blush. He is getting in the middle of standing up and he holds out his hand to me. I take it and stand up.

"It's okay, I wasn't paying attention. I was too distracted." I say, trying to avoid showing my face. I know my eyes are gonna be puffy and red. 

"Are you sure? You seem a little bothered by something." I hear him ask me.

I hesitate, but I quickly push the thoughts away, but I still look up, making him gasp at my face.

"What happened? Are you okay? Did any of the other titans cause this?" he says while rapid firing the questions at me.

"Uh, no just something I dreamed about. It's nothing to worry about." I say, lying smoothly. I try to smile, but it just doesn't feel right. 

I see him squint his eyes at me, but he doesn't pressure me. I relax a little, knowing he won't try to get information out of me. 

"Okay, you don't not have to tell me, but whenever you're ready, you can tell me." he says, giving me a smile.

I can feel tears pool in my eyes, I can feel my heart still ache from all the pain everyone has caused me.  

"Okay, thank you, but I have to get going, Oceanus said he was gonna help me train my powers." I say, looking behind him. 

Oceanus is standing there, smirking at Kronos and sending him a wink. I don't really know why, so I shrug is off. 

"Hello Perseus, you ready?" Oceanus asks me pushing off the pillar and walking towards us. 

I narrow my eyes at him when he uses my actual name. 

"Lets go Perseus, we need to start training or we will be there all day." he says, pulling me along. 

I groan, not wanting to go because today is just not my day.


Nico's pov

All of the gods and demigods were at Mount Olympus at a meeting. You may be asking why or you already know why. Someone very important to us has gone missing, Percy Jackson. He's been missing for Two weeks since the gods tried to banish him, but they quickly realized they fucked up.

"Let's get this meeting started. Has anyone found any trace of Perseus?" Zeus asks us.

Everyone either shrugs or shakes their heads. At this, I notice Poseidon's head fall and his shoulders slump.

"Although, I have not come across him in the Underworld, so he has to be alive sir." I say, hoping this helps Poseidon.

I notice a lot of people relax a little. 

"Okay, we shall send groups of demigods to each state, the hunters shall search the woods and Poseidon will search the seas for Perseus Jackson. Meeting is adjourned. Let a god or goddess know of any information you gather." Zeus says before flashing out. 

Some of the other gods also flash out, but a few stay behind. I notice that Poseidon is still sitting on his throne, so I slowly approach him.

"Sir, uh are you- are you okay?" I cautiously ask him. 

I see him look at me, his eye filled with pain. He stands up and shrinks down to the size of a human.  He walks towards me and stand in front of me. 

"No, Nico I'm not okay. My son is missing and I disowned him. How could I do that to my child. He saved our asses twice and this is how he gets repayed. By being banished and having his own father turn against him. He probably hates me." he rants to me, getting quieter the more he says.

"We all make mistakes, hopefully Percy can see past that. I know he always did before, but with his fatal flaw brushing at his heart, he may not. So you better hope he does because he is our hero and we need him. I-i need him. He's like a brother to me." I say, sadly, tears threaten to fall down my face.

He nods at me, "I hope he comes back alive so I can tell him all about how wrong we gods are, our children cannot be responsible for all of our battles. We need to step up."

"Yes you do, I hope you guys will learn. Actions have consequences. Have a nice day Poseidon, I have a brother to look for" I say, walking out of the throne room.

(Nico's pov was a surprise. Have a good week y'all!)

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