n*te buzolic

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nate buzolic is an crusty ass crack and imma tell u why.


the whole pro-life v pro-choice situation is an entirely different post that i can make but i just wanna brush up some things incase some of your aren't aware;

pro-life: against abortion.

pro-choice: advocating the legal right of a woman to choose whether or not she will have an abortion.

ive seen some people say things like "im pro-life because i would never get an abortion but i think other women should be able to if they want." just to be clear; that makes you pro-choice. being pro-choice doesn't mean you have to get an abortion if you get pregnant, it means you should have the option and accessible, SAFE resources.

now let's look at what buzodick had to say;

nathaniel, your inner zoe lagroomer is showing

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nathaniel, your inner zoe lagroomer is showing ..... clearly didn't bother watching the whole video to see the context.

 clearly didn't bother watching the whole video to see the context

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good job he's an actor because he's dumb as fuck. abortions have a time frame (i'm not sure what it is, depends on the country) because after a certain amount of weeks, then - and ONLY then - is the fetus considered an actual baby. at the time of abortion, this "life" IS a bunch of cells.

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