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  The vampires scream rang through the empty ally as the masked man landed the final blow. Blood dripped from the small knife in the man's hand as he ran the blade across the dead vampires clothing. A small fit of laughter behind him made the male turn around.

"Chan hyung no matter how messy you make a kill you still clean your blade, " A small blue haired boy joked walking beside the older. Chan rolled his eyes putting the knife back in his pocket. "It's not hard to keep your tools clean Jeongin. ". Leaving the ally behind they walked down the dark street leading to their home. Jeongin and Chan lived together in a small apartment not far from the café they both worked at. It was rare to even see the two separated even if Chan acted like he didn't care for the younger.

In fact Chan loved the younger like a brother. They had been together since they were children and only got closer once both their parents died. No matter how long ago it happened neither one of them could forget that night

" Channie run and take Jeongin with you! " His mother screamed. "Mommy no please come with us don't leave us! " Chan yelled as his mother pushed them to run. She was kneeled down by his fathers corpse freshly murdered by a vampire. "Baby please run and get Jeongin out of here. Those vampires took his parents don't let him loose you too. " His mother begged

Tears ran down his face like a river. He didn't want to leave his mother even if it caused him his own life. He looked over at the scared black haired boy next to him. Jeongin was only 9 while he was only 11.

A loud growl could be heard from the end of the ally as their heads snapped in the direction of the sound. Chan could see the panic that arouse from his mother as she looked back at them. He didn't expect what she did next, looking to find a crack big enough for both boys to fit in she grabbed both of them shoving them into the crevice. "No matter what you hear or see do not leave this spot please. Chan, Jeongin I love both of you. Chan please take care of Jeongin when I'm gone". He watched as his mother stood up with a determined look as she faced the vampire....

~end of flashback~

A shiver ran down his spine as he remembered that night. Jeongin didn't know the horrors Chan saw that night as he remembered covering the younger boys eyes. He watched the vampire take his mother's life right before his eyes scarring him for life.

Since then both boys had become Vampire hunters, killing vampires in the night. Being outside at night was dangerous and only the stupidest of people left their house after 10:00 pm. Chan was hesitant letting Jeongin become a vampire hunter seeing how he was turning on his own kind. Jeongin was born a vampire having grown up with vampire parents but after his own kind shamelessly killed them he turned on vampires.

He still needed blood when he got hungry which Chan willing supplied. The younger was welcomed to drink from Chan if he got hungry enough. Even if it hurt, Chan wouldn't let the boy go hungry.

Before they even reached the street they lived on they heard a high pitched scream from somewhere close by. "Oh give us a break I'm hungry, " Jeongin whinned as they headed in the direction of the scream. Chan could hear the males stomach growl and he flashed a sympathetic glance at him "once we finish you can eat". Jeongin nodded eyes brightening at the mention of getting fed.

They started making their way down another ally catching sight of two people. Jeongin could see the scene in front of them thanks to his night vision. A older male laid motionless on the ground as a vampire dug his fangs deeper into the human.

" Such a sight for sore eyes I must say, " Jeongin said in a lazy tone. The other vampires head shot up staring at both boys. Chan nodded his eyes adjusting to the dark ally. The vampire let out a low growl looking between the fellow vampire and the still masked Chan.

"What do you want, " The vampire growled. Jeongin let an Innocent giggle slip his lips "just taking a night stroll with my human". The vampire shot Jeongin a confused glare standing up from his victim.

No matter how innocent Jeongin looked or sounded, he was beyond deadly maybe even more deadly than Chan. The blue haired male strutted over to the other vampire running his finger across the males jaw line. Chan watched as the vampire tensed up, it was Jeongin's special trick. "So whats your name handsome," Jeongin questioned.

The vampire took a step back "That's none of you business". Jeongin rolled his eyes walking back towards Chan. "He's no fun we can kill him now," the boy whined.

The vampire in front of them eyes widened as he took another step back. A scared look washed over the males face as Chan took another step towards him. As Chan took the finale step forward the vampire took off. Chan flashed a smirk at Jeongin who took off in pursuit. Both males ran as fast as they could after the vampire through the dark ally's only running faster when they started to fall behind.

"Damn he's fast," Jeongin huffed as they trailed the boy. The vampire took a sharp turn darting out of the hunters sights. Turning the corner Chan stopped dumb founded. "Where the hell did he go," Chan mumbled in shock. Jeongin stood huffing beside him the same dumb founded look mirrored on his face.

"What the hell just happened," Jeongin questioned.

"I don't know...."

Word count:989

Forbidden:WooChan Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now