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"What the hell is he talking about," Jisung asked walking over to them. Chan looked up at Jisung with a scared look quickly scrambling to his feet before running off to his room. Jeongin let out a sigh standing up facing his hyung. "That vampire earlier that was with Minho. I think Chan caught feelings for him," the maknae explained. A look of anger spread over the elders face "So your telling me he is catching feelings for a vampire who tried to kill him?!".

Jeongin flashed a stern look at his hyung "The vampire caused no harm to Chan and even called Minho off of you".

Jisung rolled his eyes as Felix laid a hand on his shoulder. "Han he's right, if it wasn't for that vampire gods knows what would have happened to me or you," Felix said trying to reason with the boy. Jisung shook his head walking back over to the couch. Felix sighed knowing they had lost this argument.

Jeongin made his way over to Hyungin sitting next to the male. As if on cue the older male pulled the maknae onto his lap giving him a comforting hug.

"We will figure it out I promise," Hyungin whispered into his ear. A frown fell over the latter's face as he buried his face in his lovers neck. "I know this is Chan's problem but I don't think him and that vampire would be a bad idea. I mean look he had the chance to kill Chan but instead spared his and our lives," Jeongin said as he voiced his thoughts. Hyungin nodded taking in what his boyfriend was saying. Maybe Jeongin was right and there wouldn't be a problem with Chan and that vampire being together. But one simple thing rang heavy in his mind, Chan was a vampire hunter who only cares for Jeongin because he had turned against his own kind and was basically Chan's brother.

Hyungin felt a warm presence on his neck as he felt Jeongin's lips met his favorite spot. The older felt a sharp pair of teeth graze his neck as the younger asked for permission. Since Chan was having his own problems he didn't mind letting the boy drink from him. Tilting his head to give the younger room, Hyungin winced as he felt the boys teeth break the skin. He wasn't used to this feeling and he had to admit he was a big baby when it came to pain. He was sure enough to leave a bruise on the latter's thigh from how hard he gripped the boy.

Jeongin ran his hand in comforting circles on the boys back understanding his boyfriend didn't have a pain tolerance compared to himself. Unintentionally the younger sunk his fangs a bit deeper earning a choked cry from the male under him. Out of the corner of his eye Jeongin saw Felix casting a sympathetic glance at Hyungin who by now had tears streaming from his eyes.

Jeongin gently removed his teeth before licking off any extra blood from the boys neck. He wrapped Hyungin in a tight hug as he gently rubbed circles in the area he had bitten to reduce the pain. Soon enough the elders sobs died down and were replaced with his gentle breathing as he drifted to sleep. Jeongin sighed with a smile "do one of you mind helping me carry him to my room?".

Jisung nodded standing up before lifting his friend off the couch. Jeongin guided them back to his room and over to his bed. Han gently set the boy on the bed before turning to leave the room. Before he fully got out of the doorway Jeongin quietly called after him "if you and Felix want to stay there are blankets in the closet in the hall.".

Jisung nodded before leaving the room leaving Hyungin and Jeongin alone. Jeongin walked over to his closet removing all his clothes until he was left in his boxers. Looking through the hoodies he grabbed his favorite one that he stole from Hyungin a few months back. Throwing the hoodie on he slipped into bed next to his sleeping boyfriend. Slowly sleep over took him as well but not before he had one last thought.

Oh how he hoped everything worked out for Chan....
Okay if your wondering why the others refer to Woojin as "the vampire" its because only Chan knows his name unlike the others. They only know Minho's name due to Felix and Jisung's first encounter with him.

Word count:759

Forbidden:WooChan Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now