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"Chan wake up before we are late for work!" Jeongin yelled at the older. Chan groaned rolling over to check his phone almost being blinded by the light. The time on his phone read 6:30 A.M before he shut the screen off. He sat up being met with a Jeongin sitting at the end of his bed like a lost puppy. He noticed the boy was nicely dressed with his blue hair styled in a way Jeongin always styled it. "Hyung~ come onnn we don't want to be late or Seonghwa will have our asses," the younger whinned. Chan gave him a small kick to correct his language, getting out of the bed.

He made his way over to the closet to pick out a outfit for the day. Looking through the closet he settled with a all white outfit and a pair of white shoes. It was something out of his norm but he really didn't mind since he just wanted to go to work and have a good day. Quickly changing into the outfit he made his way back into his room were Jeongin still sat waiting. He made his way over to a standing mirror he had in his room fixing his messy black and blue hair. Once he was satisfied with the look he turned around to find Jeongin making stupid faces behind him.

Shooting a glare at the boy he grabbed his phone making his way out of the room. He heard the pounding of foot steps behind him and he couldn't help but smile. Grabbing his keys off the coffee table Chan made sure to lock the apartment door once both boys were out. Their footsteps echoed through the hall as they made their way down the stairs of the complex and out the glass entrance doors. It was slightly chilly outside as the boys moved closer together to stay warm on the short walk to the café. And when they said short walk they meant short walk as the stood in front of the building in less than 5 minutes. As Jeongin opened the door the smell of coffee flooded them both and a small bell rang signalling their presence. A familiar white haired male poked his head up from behind the counter a look of relief washing over the males face.

"Oh thank god you guys are here before the school rush," the male said in a dramatic tone.

"Don't worry Seonghwa hyung we won't put you through that again," Jeongin cooed clocking in. Last time they had been late Seonghwa was forced to deal with the school student rush hour by himself and let's just the older gave them a very stern lecture later. Ever since then both boys made sure to be on time since they didn't want to get another lecture from the male. Chan punched his clock in number on the machine before getting to work beside Seonghwa. It was a decently busy day as Chan took orders while Seonghwa made the drinks. About two hours into the shift a weird tension started to hang between Chan and Seonghwa.

It was a tension neither could explain as they continued to work. A small bell rang signalling it was time for their afternoon break which was perfect timing since Chan had been dying to use the bathroom. Basically running to the bathroom Chan did his business walking out of the stall to wash his hands. Looking up in the mirror he caught sight of the white haired worker he was on break with.

"Hey Seong-" Chan was cut off when the older grabbed his shoulder pinning him against the bathroom wall. He looked at Seonghwa who was staring intently at his lips(eww sorry for cringe). Chan gasped as the space between them was closed and he felt a soft pair of lips on his own. As much as he tried to fight it he melted against the kiss leaning into the white haired male.

What was only a few seconds felt like ages as they finally pulled apart. Finally opening his eyes Chan saw the panicked look on Seonghwa's face as he realized "Chan I'm so sorry I-i don't mean to, I don't even have feelings for you".

Those last few words stabbed him like a knife in the heart. He had heard that line so many times but no matter what it still hurt. Chan looked away hurt obvious on his face. "Chan I'm..." He didn't even let the male finish the sentence as he felt like being on the verge of tears. Quickly running out of the bathroom he bumped into Jeongin who was just about to enter that same room.

"Chan are you okay?," Jeongin questioned grabbing Chan by the arm. He looked at the younger and finally he broke down.


Word count:812 

This is what they look like

This is what they look like

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