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2 weeks later

He could see his breath as once again they were walking through the dark alley's. Jeongin look over to Chan who was wearing his black hunter mask and a black hoodie to cover up his features.

Earlier that morning Hyungin had convinced Chan to go on a hunt with them to clear his mind. Tonight was chiller then the previous nights and the young vampire had to admit he was even cold. They were accompanied by Felix and BamBam, Hyungin's older brother. Things had blown over with Jisung since the argument but they agreed to keep the younger male away from Chan for awhile.

BamBam was a experienced hunter compared to Jeongin but the only thing the hunter couldn't match him in was speed. In fact the only one who could match his speed was Chan.

"Why does Chan hide his identity," he heard BamBam whisper to Hyungin. The boy just shrugged looking over at his brother.

Jeongin lagged behind to walk next to BamBam "he has always done it, I'm not sure why but he's not the only hunter I know that does it".

BamBam nodded taking in the younger's words as they continued walking. They had been walking for about an hour now and he had to admit he was getting bored. Hyungin looked over at him with a soft smile before both their eyes snapped forward.

The sound of arguing could be heard from somewhere up ahead. Chan put his hand in the air signalling to be quite as they moved to investigate the sound. Looking down an alley three dark figures could be seen standing there, one pacing back and forth.

Jeongin's eyes widened as he noticed two of the men in the darkness. Looking over at Chan he realized the elder noticed them too.

"Woojin get your head out of the fucking clouds! You have been like this ever since you ran into that hunter and don't even try to deny it because Seungmin can agree with me," the vampire known as Minho yelled pointing back at the unknown vampire.

'So that's Seungmin' Jeongin thought as he looked at the vampire. The boy couldn't be much older then him, maybe just by a year or two.

"Hyung please stop yelling, if Woojin doesn't want to talk you shouldn't make him," Seungmin said placing a hand on Minho's shoulder.

Jeongin jumped up pushing Minho away from Seungmin when he noticed the older turn on the boy. Everyone stared in shock at the blue haired vampire's appearance. Even Jeongin was confused himself because he just moved on instinct instead of thinking.

Minho gained his balance turning around to face the young vampire. Without warning the young vampire fell backwards his back hitting the ground. A heavy weight met his chest as he looked up to see Minho on top of him.

"Not so king shit are you now pretty boy," Minho sneered pressing harder on his chest. It felt like all the air in his body was being taken from him as he gasped.

"C-Chan hyung!" the younger choked out in hopes the elder would come help him. No matter how hard he kicked or punched he couldn't get Minho off him and his movements became more frantic as the last bit of air started to slip away.

"Hyung stop you gonna kill him!" Seungmin yelled as he pulled trying to get Minho off the boy.

Suddenly Seungmin was pushed to the side being caught by BamBam before he hit the ground. Jeongin gasped for air as his lungs started to fill again, Hyungin beside him rubbing his chest.

Chan laid on top of Minho a knife to the vampires throat. "Who's king shit again?" Chan questioned, his voice cold. Minho smirked as he landed a punch to the hunters face knocking him backwards. Chan looked up noticing his mask that laid broken on the ground revealing his identity.

A dark looked over came Minho's face as he saw the hunters true identity. Woojin on the other hand looked completely shocked and a little scared. Chan had a cold stare as his met Minho's dark one.

Jeongin looked over to see Felix and BamBam shielding Seungmin as the young vampire looked scared. Minho lunged forward ready to attacking Chan when a quick flash blocked the blow that was meant for Chan.

Everyone stared in shock as Woojin stood infront of Chan holding Minho's clenched fist tightly. "Woojin what the hell!" Minho said pulling away from the elder.

Woojin stood shooting a harsh look at his comrade, his eyes a dark shade of gold. "Don't fucking touch whats mine Lee Know, and make a better example for Seungmin," Woojin growled.

Jeongin just stood in udder shock 'they really are in love'......
Word count:800

Forbidden:WooChan Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now