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   They sat in silence still in shock from the event they just witnessed. It wasn't long before Jeongin broke the silence with a frustrated growl. "There is no way in fucking hell he just disappeared like that," Chan shot a glare at the 15 year old for his language. But the maknae was right, how does someone just vanish in thin air like that?

A number of thoughts were running through his head as he stared blankly at the floor. A small touch on his shoulder jolted him from his thoughts as he looked over at Jeongin. The younger had a pained expression as he laid a hand on his stomach "Hyung I'm hungry". Chan flashed a sympathetic smile at the boy motioning for him to come here. The younger quickly jumped up making his way over to Chan, climbing onto his lap. Jeongin straddled the male moving the collar of his shirt out of the way exposing his neck. The boy flashed Chan one last look for permission which the male granted.

Chan flinched as he felt the sharp teeth meet his neck. It hurt but it didn't hurt enough for him to let the boy starve or put himself in danger to eat. He wouldn't know what to do with himself if Jeongin got hurt or even worse murdered. He felt the younger shift his weight as he started getting full. It was a habit Chan picked up on the boy whenever he got enough to fix his hunger. Soon enough he felt Jeongin's fangs leave his neck and a warm tongue run over the marks to get any blood that may have dripped. The blue haired boy leaned back flashing a grateful smile at the older "Thank you hyung". Chan gave a little hum as the younger moved off his lap.

A tired yawn slipped his mouth, feeling drained from feeding Jeongin. Standing up giving a little stretch Chan said his goodnight before making his way to his room. He knew Jeongin probably wouldn't go to sleep until late like normal seeing how the boy had a bad sleeping schedule. No matter how much Chan lectured the boy about sleeping he still couldn't get him to sleep at a decent hour.

Looking over at the alarm clock it read 9:30 P.M. Sitting down on the bed Chan discarded his shirt in a basket beside the bed. "I should get some sleep before work," he mumbled to himself. Laying down he waited for sleep to finally overcome him...

Word count:424

Forbidden:WooChan Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now