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     Jeongin awoke to a cold presence next to him as he rolled over. Opening his eyes he realised Hyungin wasn't in the bed or in the room. Sitting up he quickly stretched before making his way out of the room. The smell of freshly cooked food filled the hallway leading to the small dining room of the apartment.

Following the smell Jeongin was greeted with his boyfriend and two friends happily eating at the table. Walking over to Hyungin the older of the two placed a quick kiss on the maknae's lips.

Looking up he realised Chan was nowhere to be seen. "Guys where is Chan?" The boy questioned looking out into the living room. Jisung shrugged not showing to much concern about the elders were bouts. A little bit of anger settled in his stomach as he looked at the male.

"Han what is that about," he asked in a serious tone. The black haired male looked up making eye contact with the younger. The look was hateful and it honestly scared him.

"You really want to know my problem? My problem is Chan going out screwing around with a VAMPIRE who should be DEAD. But instead he locked himself in his room knowing what he did was wrong but yet won't acknowledge it," the elder snapped.

Silence filled the dinning room as tension started to build in the air. The younger wasn't mad anymore but instead he was now furious.

"You know what yeah this is a screwed up situation and yes that vampire is our target but did you ever stop to think maybe Chan was happy until he realised he was in the wrong. And why do you put emphasis on Vampire are you trying to say something," Jeongin yelled.

Han looked taken aback by the boys outburst while Felix and Hyungin on the other hand looked a little scared. "That's not what I meant..." Jisung started to say before he was cut off.

"You are so fucking worried about killing this vampire you didn't even stop to think about Chan's happiness. I hope he does start something with that boy just so I can see him happy again," by now the younger was shaking and he didn't even notice the blood dripping from his clenched fist. Everyone stayed silent as Hyungin stood up to calm the boy.

"Baby come on let's go calm down," Hyungin said in a soft tone in attempt to calm him. He shook his head turning around walking away from everyone wanting to be alone.

Jeongin looked up to be met with a shocked Chan standing at the end of the hallway. He noticed the tear stains on the elders cheeks as he studied his brothers state. As much as he wanted to hug and comfort the aussie he was still shaken up from his anger. Grabbing the handle to his own bedroom Jeongin opened his door before slamming it behind him.

He wished Jisung could feel the same way he did or at least try to understand where the younger was coming from. As much as Jeongin didn't agree with Chan's situation either he still wanted his eldest brother to be happy.

The younger let out a frustrated growl before his fist met the wall next to him. Pain shot through his wrist into his arm as he looked at his knuckles already beginning to bruise.

A small knock on the door met his ears as he looked to see Hyungin slowly entering the room. The older boy quietly closed the door behind him and made his way over to the bed taking a seat. The younger stared at his boyfriend who sat silently waiting for him to calm down.

His eyes started to brim with tears as he ran to Hyungin meeting his strong embrace. All the pain the younger felt was being expressed in his tears as Hyungin held him tight.

"Don't worry love, it will get better...."
Okay so I think I came up with a name for my readers. From now on my readers will be called Koi's :)

And I don't mean to make Jisung a bad character its just for plot. We all know he is our precious mochi

Word count:707

Forbidden:WooChan Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now