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      A soft wind ruffled the latter's blue hair as Chan followed behind him. Once Chan had awoken from his sleep Jeongin asked if he wanted to go hunting which the elder gladly accepted. He wanted to clear his mind and hunting was the one thing that could help with that. They were currently on route to meet up with Jeongin's boyfriend and their 2 other friends. They all decided on an ally that they always met in and that wasn't to far from any of the boys. Jeongin started to speed up when they got closer to the ally soon breaking into a sprint when their friends came in view. Chan watched as Jeongin basically tackled his startled boyfriend to the ground as their other two friends quickly stepped back.

"Oi Chan you actually decided to come, " A Australian accent met him. Chan nodded in the voices direction as he looked over at the males. Felix and Jisung were fellow hunters that were okay with Jeongin being a vampire and allowed the male to hunt with them. The other hunter which was Jeongin's boyfriend was Hyungin. Chan watched as Jeongin helped the male up, fixing Hyungin's short messy black hair. The giant smile on Jeongin's face was enough to make Chan smile as well.

"Right, we gonna start hunting or are we gonna stand around all night, " Jisung said annoyance evident in his voice. Chan flashed the male a questioning look before Jisung started walking away. Turning to Felix the boy sighed "We went hunting last night and a vampire named Minho got the upper hand, escaping". Chan's eyes widened " How do you know the vampires name? ".

Felix looked at Jisung who was talking to Hyungin " For some reason the vampire told us his name. I'm not sure why though". Chan nodded deciding not to push it any farther incase Jisung heard them.

They made their way down various allys waiting for their first prey. Jeongin and Hyungin were talking about something while being the lead of the group. Jeongin started laughing at a face the male beside him made.

Everyone stopped dead in their tracks when a flash of wind hit them and Jeongin slammed against a wall. A low threatening growl left Jeongin's mouth as he quickly recoverd from the shock. In front of them stood two taller vampire's, one with red eyes and the other with a light golden color. Chan heard a gasp from beside him, Felix whispering a quiet 'Minho'. Chan looked over at the vampires seeing one with pure triumph on his face.

"What the hell Woojin your telling me that weak vampire and that half haired hunter about captured you. Damn dude maybe you do need me around more often, " Chan heard the vampire tease. His eyes widened when he realized the vampire next to 'Minho' was the one who had vanished 2 days prior. His head snapped in Jeongin's direction when he heard the boy growl "huh so your name was Woojin eh? Damn to bad I gotta kill you now".

Jeongin lunged forward ready to attack before he was knocked backwards by Minho who was extremely fast. He watched the other hunters take a step back once they realized Minho's strength and speed. Even Jisung who previously had a pissed off look on his face now looked uneasy. Chan sighed going to stand beside Jeongin for the next attack. This wasn't his first rodeo with vampires like this and unfortunately probably wasn't going to be his last.

He held his silver dagger neatly in his hand as he followed behind Jeongin who went for the attack. Chan noticed Jeongin go for the male they had identified as Woojin so he took the time to spar with Minho. The males clashed hard both keeping their ground. A smirk fell on his face as he watched the cockiness leave Minho's face to be replaced with fear. Chan kicked his foot out knocking Minho flat on his back with a loud thud. Right when he was about to bring him dagger down a strong force pushed him away from Minho also knocking the dagger out if his hands. Trying to move he realized Woojin had pinned him to the ground with a conflicted look on his face.

" Just kill him already! " Chan heard Minho yell while he sparred with Jeongin and now Felix. Hyungin and Jisung were on their way to help Chan when everyone froze.

Woojin had got up taking a few steps away from Chan. "I-I can't," Woojin stuttered before running. Minho let out one last growl before running after Woojin. Jeongin started to follow in pursuit but was stopped when Hyungin placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's not worth our time, " Hyungin sighed.

Chan still laid on the ground in utter shock unable to comprehend what just happened. His skin felt like it was on fire from the moment the vampire laid his hands on him. And the scent... the boy had smelled like sweet mint and his features were ungodly.

'Oh no' Chan thought to himself 'I think I'm falling for a vampire.... '
Who else guessed Hyunin?

Word count:862

Forbidden:WooChan Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now