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      "Hyung!," Jeongin yelled breaking the boy from his thoughts. Everyone stared at him with a confused looked as he slowly stood up putting his dagger back in its holster. Chan looked up at the others who were still staring at him before turning away to walk down the path the vampires disappeared.

"Chan where are you going?," Jisung questioned grabbing him by the shoulder. He pulled away from the squirrels touch continuing to walk "I'm going to find that vampire". Jeongin started to follow the male before Chan turned around mumbling "Alone".

They started at him in confusion as he set off into the dark of the night. Jeongin cast an uneasy glance at Hyungin who was still looking in the direction Chan disappeared in. "Guys I think there is something wrong with Chan he's not telling us," the maknae voiced his fears. Hyungin wrapped the younger in a comforting hug before replying "he might just need some time before he tells us what is wrong".

A soft smile fell over Jeongin's lips as he leaned into his boyfriend "yeah your probably right".....

Damn did it get colder, Chan thought to himself as he walked down another alley. It felt hopeless to look for the vampire in his mind but in his heart he couldn't help but continue the search. He had to admit that even though he is strong, he was kinda scared walking by himself. Even the slightest of noises like a dog barking or a cat jumping on a trash can made him jump. He was used to always having someone beside him whether it be Jeongin or someone else. He felt bad for leaving his brother behind but he knew the boy was in good hands and he wanted to search for this vampire alone.

A sigh left his mouth as he stopped to take a break. Grabbing a pack of cigarettes from his pocket he pulled one of the 'death on a stick' out searching for his lighter. Searching each of his pockets he couldn't locate the lighter.

"Damnit I must have dropped it," Chan grumbled grabbing the cigarettes to put the stick away. A voice behind him startled him enough to drop the whole pack on the ground. Quickly turning around Chan was faced with the same vampire from earlier, Woojin. Looking around he didn't see Minho anywhere thankful the hot headed vampire disappeared anyway.

"So you have been looking for me haven't you," Woojin spoke in a voice like honey. Chills ran down Chan's spine as he gave the male a quick nod. Woojin looked down at the scattered cigarettes on the ground a smirk appearing on his face. "Aren't you a little young to be smoking," Woojin questioned.

Chan looked away "I'm 18 I'm sure I'm fine". Woojin let out a scoff making his way over to the boy. Chan froze when the male was nearly inches from him "don't let those things ruin such a good looking thing like you".

Chan swore if his heart could beat any faster he was going have a heart attack and die on scene. He studied Woojin's appearance a bit more now that he wasn't worried about killing the male. Woojin wore a red turtle neck that was covered by a black leather jacket that hugged his frame perfectly. His black hair practically glowing in the moonlight and the same minty smell topped it all. Chan took notice to Woojin smiling as he looked at him. "Listening Channie I may be hot but you don't have to sit here and check me out," Woojin teased.

Oh my god the pet name surely I'm dead, Chan thought to himself as a flustered look fell over him. Chan took a step back not realizing the wall of a building was behind him. In return Woojin took another step forward placing his hands on either side of Chan's head. The older male leaned forward whispering into Chan's ear "May I?". He looked at the raven haired male in confusion but nodded none the less. Woojin leaned back up before connecting both of their lips together.
(Don't mind this cringy shit I'm sorry)

Chan froze for a mere second before kissing the male back. Their lips fell in sync with each other and he swore the whole world stopped just for this moment. Chan whimpered at the loss when Woojin pulled away with a smile. "Don't worry Channie, if you'd like we can continue this somewhere else," Woojin said in a honey sweet tone.

Again with the pet name!, Chan thought to himself. Without hesitation he nodded earning a small laugh from Woojin.

"My house or yours?," the male asked when he was done laughing. Chan thought for a moment, it probably wasn't the best idea for them to go to his house since Jeongin would be there and possibly the others to.

"Yours," he finally decided. Woojin nodded grabbing Chan's hand before setting off into the dark.

Finally his heart over powered his mind and he was with the vampire his heart dragged him towards....
Yeah I already apologize in advance for any confusion or cringe. If you don't like smut or don't want to read my horrible smut then probably don't read the next chapter(⌒_⌒;)

Here is Woojin's outfit/ what he looks like

Word count:889

Forbidden:WooChan Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now