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"Are you crazy!?" Minho asked staring at Woojin in disbelief. The elder knew his short tempered friend wasn't going to take any of this lightly but frankly he didn't care.

"You heard me. Don't.touch.what.is.mine." Woojin growled back. Turning to Chan he saw the shocked and conflicted look on the males face. He knew from the start Chan wasn't going to be easy but he didn't want to give up just yet. Minho took a step back, a look of disbelief on his face.

"A-after all the crap hunters have put us through you and you want to be with one," Minho said in a quieter tone then before. He knew what the younger was referring to and he honestly couldn't forget what happened. A few years back when they had gone for a night out with some old friends that were hunters. He remembered how bright and bubbly Minho was that night as if it was just yesterday.


He had to admit it was a extremely nice night to be out on the town. Earlier that morning his and Minho's friends had asked them to join them on a night walk. Of Course Minho had begged him for them to go and there was no way he could say no to the 16 year old.

Now here they were walking through an alley as Minho happily bounced in front of them. Their oldest friend Mark was having a hushed conversation with their other friend Taeyong behind him.

(Those are just the two I chose its not to spread hate because Mark is my nct bias along with Johnny)

He thought nothing of it thinking they just wanted to talk about something personal. Minho had gotten kinda far ahead of them as he let out a sigh getting ready to call out for the younger.

Before he could speak a sharp pain met his lower back as something collided with his body. Falling to the ground a dizzy feeling started to cloud his brain. The sound of footsteps running towards him was the only thing he could hear until he saw Minho drop down beside him checking if he was alright.

The younger quickly lifted him up placing his against the wall of the alley. He felt another sharp pain on his lower back as he looked to Minho who had a horrified look on his face. In his hand laid a tranquil dart specifically meant for vampires.

Minho quickly dropped the dart and he noticed the boys hand shaking with fear. He watched as Minho looked back at Taeyong who held the gun in his hand with a smirk as Mark made his way towards the vampires.

"M-mark what's going on," Minho asked backing away from the male. Mark gave a slight smirk before pulling out a knife "You really thought us hunters would be friends with a couple of lowlife vampires like yourselves".

Minho sat frozen with fear as he saw the male bend over him tilting his head with the knife. As much as he wanted to help Woojin was practically useless under this medication flowing through his body.

(Switch to Minho's pov)
"Aww is the kitty scared," Mark laughed in a mocking manner. Tears had started to flow down his cheeks as he tried not to move. Taeyong rolled his eyes from behind his companion "He's no fun why don't you just kill him".

"Now hold on Taeyong let me have some fun with him first. I want you to make sure Woojin stays paralyzed for now and we will kill him once we are done with this one," Mark informed looking back at Woojin who's eyes were half shut.

Minho cried out when Mark turned back around dragging the knife across his cheek. The burning sensation that was brought to his cheek caused him to cry harder. What was only a few minutes felt like hours as Mark repeatedly made new marks on the boys body.

By now Minho laid on his side his vision started to blur as he saw the crimson liquid the dripped from his hand. "Okay I think its okay to kill them now," Mark said wiping his knife clean of the vampires blood. Taeyong grabbed the knife from Mark but before he could kill the young vampire a dark blur knocked the knife from Taeyong's hand. Looking back at Mark with a look of fear the boys decided just to get out of there.

The dark blur returned bending down to place his fingers on his neck to check his vitals. When the blur realized he was still alive Minho heard it call out to a male who was bent down in front of  Woojin.

Piece by piece the blur started to take shape revealing a dark haired male who's vampire fangs were peeking out from his mouth.

"Changbin this one is alive to!" Minho heard the other male yell to the man in front of him.

That night if it wasn't for Seungmin and Changbin, Minho would have died and god only knows what would have happened to himself. After that night Minho had never been the same. Woojin wished he could see the old Minho again but he new the boy was still hurting being reminded of that night by the scars the were etched into his skin.

(Back to now)

"No I haven't forgotten Minho and I never will," he confessed to the vampire. Minho stood looking at him with eyes full of mixed emotion as he looked between the elder and the hunter.

"But you know what i'm not going to dwell on the past. This is were we could have a new start and if these hunters really wanted to kill us they wouldn't be protecting Seungmin right now from your outburst," Woojin said pointing to the two vampires standing protectively in front of Seungmin.

Minho looked over staring at Seungmin with wide eyes. Woojin could tell everything was starting to set in with Minho. He knew Minho was just scared and that he really didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Please Minho see the good in these guys...see the good in yourself," He finished seeing a shocked look on the males face. A single tear ran down Minho's face as he looked down at the scars on his arm and hand. He looked back up at Woojin and for the first time in years Woojin saw the small spark of hope in his brothers eyes come back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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