Chapter 29

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The first day of spring is always somewhat hopeful.

Storms no longer ravaged the night, and the snow gradually melted off of budding branches and birthing grounds.

The doors to the outdoor courtyard were finally open, and students trickled out onto the puddle mottled asphalt.

Mavis sat at one of the picnic tables by the establishment, huddled between Soren and the wall behind her.

Though the whiteness of winter faded, the wind still carried that Jack Frost chill and the air smelled strongly of rain and earthiness.

"I'm not too sure myself" said Persephone who was sitting on the table, back against the wall. She took a swig of her water bottle, which was actually full to the brim with vodka, then passed it to Dileini. "We crashed into each other at the skate park. We were both 7, riding our scooters. He pulled my hair, I bitch slapped him, but then I've got no idea how we actually became friends." She shrugged, watching him intently as if she'd somehow get her memories back by doing so.

"We got picked on by the older kids, so we joined forces to sabotage their skateboards." Dileini filled in, his silver eyes as cloudy and grey as the sky. The bottle got passed to Mavis, Soren didn't drink.

"Oohh riightt right!" Persephone laughed. It was hard to believe these two weren't dating, they were so fond of each other, the definition of soulmates, but it was very obvious their love for each other was in no way romantic.

"You two go to the same school," Dileini began, "is there anything more to it or..?"

Mavis sniffed, tightening the wrap of her puffer jacket around her as she leaned into Soren.

"We didn't really talk much at school." She said, taking a good few more chugs of vodka before passing it around the circle again.

Soren only shrugged. They themselves didn't know if there was anything more. Well there was... but what was it?

A group of boys stumbled down the stairs in a conundrum, the bouncing of a ball against asphalt ringing in the fenced enclosure.

On either sides of the court stood baskets, and the boys divided themselves in groups.

"Oh sick they're playing basketball." Dileini watched with excitement. "Let's go play!" He turned to Soren with pleading eyes.

The latter nonchalantly shrugged again, getting up obligingly. Immediately, Mavis missed the warmth of his body which kept the cold from seeping into her bones.

"You wanna come?" Soren asked glancing at both girls.

"Nah, you boys knock yourselves out." Persephone dismissed the offer for the both of them, gripping Mavis's arm.

With a final shrug Soren and Dileini walked away and Persephone smiled at Mavis with malice.

"You wanna tell me what's going on? You may have not been friends at school, but I know there's something going on now." She broached. "You literally can't deny it, it's very obvious in your interactions."

Mavis, enjoying the attention, didn't deny anything. She shrugged hedgingly, taunting her inquisitive friend.

"Oh come on!"

"Let's go inside first" Mavis spoke, trying and failing to suppress an amused smile. "I'm cold."

"Sit your ass down and have some more vodka, you'll be just fine." Persephone grabbed her shoulder and sat her down on the bench then took a spot at her side. "Spill."

Begrudgingly, Mavis tore the bottle out of Persephone's cold fingers and chugged more of the liquid. Her throat burned, but she welcomed the heat moving down her tract.

"We kissed. Multiple times." She finally spoke.

"Called it." Persephone shifted excitedly in her seat. "Just kissed or-"

"Yes. Even then we hesitated, but the day he got his nose broken we decided to just go with it without worrying about labels."

"Please tell me you aren't a virgin Mary." Persephone took the bottle back.

"Fuck no. Far from it actually, I'm just wondering what would happen back home, when we return, or if word got out." Mavis began swaying her feet back and worth.

"Screw whatever anyone thinks. Are there feelings involved?" Persephone's question startled Mavis.

"I suppose not." She said, finding Soren among the players on the court.

"You're worried there will be." Not quite a question.

"I'm not sure I'm capable of that." Mavis shrugged, kicking up dust.

"Look," Persephone put her hand on Mavis's knees to stop her agitated movements. "I don't know what you've been through, or what your dynamic is like back in your hometown, but being afraid of rejection is normal."

"I've never experienced that," Mavis admitted, earning a snort from her friend. "But I've been disappointed by males in my life enough to not want to risk it."

"I guess you are risking it now, whether you like it or not. Some things are just out of our hands."

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