Chapter 17

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It was in between her biology and english class that Mavis headed to the girl's bathroom.

She had been feeling dizzy all day and slightly nauseous, almost blacking out every time she stood up too quickly.

She pushed the doors open and walked into the empty lavatory, almost stumbling upon a girl that looked too glam to be here. Ignoring her sneering, Mavis glanced begrudgingly at the mirrors as she rushed to the stalls.

A few second later someone entered the bathroom and low whispers bounced off the listening walls.

As Mavis went to open the door, someone had already forcefully pushed it, ramming it into her head.

Mavis stumbled back, almost falling into the toilet.

That same glamorous chick stood right outside of the stall, her manicured fingers pressed against the frame.

"Oops, sorry, didn't know it's occupied." She smiled.

Mavis stepped out, making the girl back away and another one came to her defense. Mavis looked around before bringing her attention back to the girl and staring her up and down in an abasing manner.

"All the stalls are empty, and all their doors are open except this one." Mavis menacingly snapped. "Try picking on someone else, I don't have the patience for your shit." She pushed past the two girls that had stood before her.

Walking up to the sink, Mavis tried avoiding the mirror, a pounding headache now added to the list of problems she was already dealing with. The cold water harshly hit her skin, sending goosebumps up her arms. She finally caved in, peeking into the mirror. She felt like an alien looked back at her. Her big lazy eyes made her look like a bug, the two different colored orbs rimmed with purple that contrasted her pale skin. She tried ignoring her forehead which was on the bigger side, concealed beneath a sparse fringe which was begging for a trim. And finally, she shut her slightly agape chapped lips, concealing the gap between her front teeth.

Mavis quickly averted her gaze, which landed upon the reflection of the two girls still standing behind her like looming shadows.

"Do y'all need something?" She catches their eyes through the mirror. "Coz I thought I told you to piss off."

"You're ballsy, being all sassy when you're outnumbered." One of them said.

"Oh, so you're looking for a fight..." Mavis chuckled amused, which seemed to set off the bullies.

"That was the plan." The other one said.

"Too bad I'm not giving you one." Without giving them the chance to act, Mavis slipped out the door and hurried to her next class.


The room was almost full, only a few seats empty and the teacher still missing.

Soren sat in one of the back rows near the window, staring into the brown and orange wonderland surrounding the school.

His chin was digging onto his palm while his hand was propped on his neatly organized desk.

"Alright everyone, settle down." The teacher entered in a frenzy, quieting down the everlasting ruckus.

At her voice Soren twisted in his seat, laying his back against the wall as he took in the class.

The period went on as it usually did, the class a mess with occasional moments of quiet whenever the teacher would ask a question and the students refused to participate.

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