Chapter 2- September 6

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This entry is dedicated to fucking principal Marshal.
You're a bitch.

You had to embarrass me in-front of half the school today for having a graphic t-shirt on.
The picture on there wasn't even that bad, just lips with smoke coming out of them.

You're acting like you don't smoke behind the school building every hour or so, when you unmistakably reek of cigarettes.

Yes, I see you, glancing around nervously while taking sloppy drags out the cheap cigarette in between your fingers, hoping you don't get caught by your students doing something you punish them for doing themselves.

I swear you have a personal grudge against me, and you don't know how to show me just how much you hate me and want me out of your school.

You humiliated me before everyone, then dragged me to your office where I spent the whole first period listening to you lecturing me. Well, I wouldn't say listening to you, you were more of a background noise to my thoughts.

So much for the first week of junior year.


Summer was fine. Wiping old people's butts and snot wasn't exactly the most fun thing to do. They were all stinky, shriveled and mean.

They kept on looking at me like some sort of freak because of my heterochromia, and always commented on my septum ring, saying I looked like a bull.

That's what I get for wiping their asses and feeding them all summer.

Pf, never again.

Old people hate me, I hate them, I don't want to grow old. Probably won't. I'll most probably be found dead in some ditch in my thirties or so.

Over the course of summer no one really changed. Everyone looks the same, only with awkward tan lines.

Girls got fatter, boys more fit, and this opened broader horizons for me.

With their glow ups, I could pick any other guy now since Manuel is just not working for me anymore.

Indigo Crestwood, aka the bitch, looks awfully funny with those pink strands framing her face.  She's just not as appealing as she used to be.

Hah, serves her right for bullying.

Soren Masalis just keeps looking better and better. That chocolate skin of his is now glowing after summer, and those green eyes look like freshly polished emeralds. He also got his braces off.
Too bad he's too much of a spoiled, narcissistic, arrogant brat to be a choice.
His highschool jock antics haven't changed, and he still throws fits whenever something doesn't go his way.

Samuel Torres was my next goal. After I "breakup" with Manuel tomorrow, I'll try to win Sam over at the party this weekend.

Let's just say he's been added to my "highschool hit list", and just so happens to be my next victim.

We'll see how it turns out.

Yours truly,
Highschool Slut.

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