Y/N's First Christmas

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Dianne's POV:

I can't believe my little girl is now one. She has grown up so fast she can walk really well and her favourite word to say is dada she definitely is a daddy's girl. This is her first birthday and Joe and I have been working form months on how to make this as memorable as possible, we have decided to make it unicorn themed since Y/N adores the unicorn that Caspar and Amber gave her when they came back home from America a few months ago. I walked out with the last of Y/N's wrapped presents for on the table to see Joe chasing Y/N around the living room holding Y/N's little party dress in his hands.

"Come back here Y/N you going to look like a pretty princess." Joe said trying not to laugh at his daughters' actions. Y/N started giggling as she continued to run away from Joe before turning around and running towards him yelling dada. I giggled as Joe struggled to get a hyperactive child into a little princess dress. I put the present down on the table and walked over to the couch.

"muma" Y/N said excited to see me before jumping into my arms to show me her princess dress. After watching Y/N dance around for a bit the doorbell rang to signify that start of the party. Joe got up and opened the door to let in Zoe, Alfie, Caspar, Amber and Connor.

Joe's POV:

It was now the end of Y/N's first Birthday, and the party was a complete success, everyone had a great time and of course Y/N had a blast she opened all her presents and ran around showing them off to everyone, her absolute favourite present she got was a little pink ball pit tent. Y/N also loved her cake that was shaped as a unicorn that Zoe and Alfie had made for her. It was now late, and Dianne and I were putting Y/N to bed as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was fast asleep, Dianne and I closed the door and made our way to our room. We both got into bed and just like Y/N once Dianne's head hit the pillow, she was asleep, a leant over and gently placed a kiss on her hair before lying down and letting the sleep take over me for the night. 

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