George can do more than you think

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There the four stood, unsure of what would happen, how they would make it out, dead or alive. If they did make it out. "Well, I don't want you all standing there! Get back in the chairs! It looks like we'll have to go to more extreme measures." The woman demanded, pointing the gun to the chairs. The three normal sized Beatles did so, fearing for their lives, especialy Paul, who was doing everything he was told and crying because he didn't want to die.

"No, no, I'll be a good boy, just please, don't kill me!!!!" He screamed.

"She won't hurt you if you do what she says." John whispered to him.

"QUIET!" She screamed at them. Luckily, everyone forgot about George because he was so tiny. He started sneaking away, trying to do something to help them. He finally thought of something while she was yelling at them. He just hoped she wouldn't notice him. At least, not until he could construct his plan. He had to make sure everything he needed was there. He started carefully and quietly dragging the block of wood he was tied to before over to the middle of the table. Next, he grabbed the teaspoon from the mostly empty teacup and set it on the saucer catapult style just like the time when they had a pie fight when Brian wasn't there. (That's why I put that picture in, if you were wondering) Finally, he set the block of wood on one end of the spoon and jumped down on the other end, launching it into the air and hitting the woman in the head. Her two henchmen also ran in oppsite directions, causing them to run into each other, also knocking them out. Everyone turned their mop tops over to the table, where George stood beside his catapult, staring back at them.

"I can do more than play lead guitar, write songs, and eat, y'know."

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