Chapter 11

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I headed over Jensen's apartment while preparing myself to tell him about Jared. I hate that I have to tell him this, but if our relationship is going to work out we need honesty.

The door immediately opened after I knocked on it. Before Jensen could say anything, I did.

"I slept with Jared. Not when you accused me of it, but a few minutes ago."

I began to walk away knowing that Jensen would never want to see me again.  Even then I'd believe that maybe it was over, but Jensen grabbed my hand pulled me into him.

"It's okay."


"Yeah, we were on that break anyway."  Jensen said smirking, but then his face hardened as continued talking.

"Plus we all make mistakes. We just have to learn from them. Anyway, is it safe to say we're back together ?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

I'm shocked at how cool jensen is being about this. I know if it was him who slept with someone else, I would flip my shit.

"What are you doing tonight?"

I know the answer to this question will kind of be pushing it, but I have to tell him.

"Going out with Jared . Not as a date though. Just two friends." I said with a half smile.

"OK, but tell him if he ever touches you again I will beat his ass."

"Ok. " I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist."

"Danm, I love you."

I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I'll see you in class tomorrow?"

"Yes you will and maybe afterwards."

"Hmm I'd like that." He said before kissing my lips.

"Bye babe." I said as he lost his grip on my waist.


I left, so I could get ready for dinner with Jared . After taking a shower, I picked out a pair of dark blue jeans and a white shirt, half Jean jacket and a cheetah print scarf.

I didn't want to be too revealing after what had just happened between us.


"Hey Mels!"

"Hi" I said as I sat beside Jared.

We decided to go to logans and eat.

"So, what does earlier mean?" Jared asked cutting right to the chase

"Ummm..... nothing. Jensen and I are back together and he knows about earlier so..... Yeah.... Sorry" I said with a half smile.

"Ok, well I like being you're friend..... So I guess it's all good."


"Ummm so do you remember anything from the other night?"

"No what about you?"

"Nope and I kind of want to remember every detail of that night." Jared said with those puppy dog eyes.

I giggled a little before replying


For the rest of the night we talked about random shit.


"I had fun with you." He said as he walked me to my door.

"I had fun too. I missed our friendship."

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