Chapter 3

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The rest of the day wasn't eventful until seven thirty. I was all dressed up in my dress with a badge color pair of high heels. Knock knock I opened the door and there stood the handsome Misha Collins.

"Misha..." I said while he was just staring at me. "Umm I'm sorry. You just look absoloutly beautiful, amazing, and every other synonym that goes with those words. I looked down and started blushing.

I really don't think I'm pretty; I mean has He even looked at me? Interrupting my thoughts, I felt Misha's finger on my chin forcing me to look at him.

"I love it When you blush. Don't hide it." That made me blush even more. "Move" I heard someone behind misha say. Misha stepped aside and there was a drunk Jensen Ackles.

"Melody I know I look like I'm in a horrible state, but I had to get drunk to say this. I know you said you weren't ready to choose, but I just wanted to tell you some things. I don't know how, but I love you. I can't stop thinking about you.

When I think of the fact that you might chose another man over me, my heart breaks. I want you. I need you. I can't be without you. I wake up in the mornings, look to my side, and pretend you're there.

I know it sounds creepy, but I fantasize about you 24/7. I hope that one day what I do to you in my head. I can do to you in real life , that i can do this."

Jensen grabbed me by the waist, pulled me as close as possible, leaned in, and kissed me. Just when I was about to start kissing him back , Misha spoke up.

"Bullshit" I pulled away. "Jensen". "He's bullshitting you. He told me the same danm thing when we first met. But look at us now, we're broken up because he fell in love with someone as quickly as I can say 'love'.

He told me everynight that he loved me. That he'll never hurt me, cheat on me, or hit me, but he's done all the things he said he never would. Tears were now running down his face.

"What the hell is going on?" I questioned. Misha dried his tears and said, "Let's go on our date and talk about it tomorrow" "No, Misha. What the hell" "Please Melody" "Fine. we'll see you tomorrow jensen.". "Okay bye love"

We all left my apartment except for jensen. I didn't want him riding home on his motorcycle considering he was drunk. Misha and I got in the car.

I was to distracted, wondering about what the hell Misha was talking about. When we arrived to the restraint , I read providence. I heard that place had the best sea food in town.

A smile snuck on my face. "You like it?" "More like love. I've always wanted to come here, but never had enough money." "Well with me you don't have to worry about money."

Misha got out and ran to the other side of the car and opened my door for me. "My lady" I giggled as he helped me out the car. He shut the door then presses me up against the car. Misha bent down and started sucking on my neck. "Hmm" Misha backed away.

"I can tell you like that. I rolled my eyes . "whatever" We then intertwined our hands and walked inside the very expensive restraunt.

"Collins. Table for two?" "Yes that's us. The hostess guided us to our table. Misha pulled my chair back, I sat down, and he pushed my chair up. "Thank you" "No problem sweet heart" " We talked before during and after are all meals came like nothing happened earlier.

Before we left Misha gave me a present. I opened it and my jaw immediately dropped. "Oh my god misha" "do you like them" "I love them. You didn't have to get me this. Really you didn't "

"I did because I love that beautiful smile of yours and I knew this would make you smile" "Oh my god you're amazing!!" "I know" "Come on" I said as I stood up. Misha played the bill. Then I guided him to the car. I opened the back seat door and pushed misha down on the seats. He scrunched his legs up and I got in and shut the door.

It was kind of difficult considering we were in a very small space, but when we want we get it. "That was really good" "Yeah it was" Misha got dressed and went to the front and started driving, while I was slowly putting my clothes on. We arrived to my apartment and once again he opened the door for me. Then he walked me to my door.

"I had a nice time with you" "me too" "Melody nae carter. I love you. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "I'll see tomorrow" "Bye Misha" "Bye babe"

Thanks to all of my fans. This chapter is dedicated to @akaykayc for being the most engaged reader. Thank you girl

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