First Encounter

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Konoha sat in the field outside of the gym exhausted, and tired from practice, he sat there looking at the sky that was painted in orange and a purplish color the clouds were the same as always just fluffy and colored with a orange hue. There was no noise to be heard other than a couple of voices coming from inside. Konoha was so deep in thought that he didn't even hear Sarukui calling his name. He was knocked out of his thoughts when someone tapped him on his shoulder.

" Ugh Saru what do you want."

" Oh uh, I'm not him sadly, he told me to come out here and get you-"
Konoha's eyes widened at the unfamiliar voice, he got up and turned around, nobody was there?

" Am I really that short?"
Looking down a bit Konoha was looking the stranger right in the eyes, he swore on his life he's never seen eyes this color before, hazel golden eyes met Olive blue.
" I've never seen you before"

"Well actually I'm new here, and just joined the team today, names Komi Haruki by the way!"

" Oh, my names Konoha Akinori"

Komi smiles at Konoha and started to go back towards the gym

"Cute.." Konoha thought smiling to himself.

Stuck with you ( Konokomi) * Rewritten* Where stories live. Discover now