Chapter 8

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The next morning the two still lie in each other's arms, the morning sun breaking through the dark blue curtains of Konoha's room. Komi stirred awake from his slumber shifting to his backside in Konoha's hold gently to not wake up the other; rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes with a yawn. As comfortable as Konoha and his bed was Komi knew he had to get home before his parents called and pestered him.  Haruki turned back to his side looking up at Konoha's peacefully sleeping face, even asleep he still looked beautiful to Komi.
" Aki.."
He said gently, surprised that's all it took to stir Konoha awake. Akinori opened his eyes slowly, blinking the sleepiness away. Those enchanting olive blue irises meeting warm golden-hazel irises
" Morning Haru"
Konoha spoke still sounding tired as he cuddled closer to Komi
" Goodmorning Aki"
The other smiled allowing just a couple more minutes of cuddle time. Though they haven't brought up last night the two of them thought of it. Eventually they'd talk about it just not in this very moment.
" Okay Konoha I have to go, my parents are going to get on me for not being home"
Komi unfortunately broke the cuddle time much to his disliking earning a whine from Konoha
" Do you have to go?..."
He asked pouting, not wanting to let go of Haruki at all he knew this was probably a one time thing between them.
" Yes unfortunately but hey I'll drop by tomorrow after school okay?"
Haruki reasoned with Konoha who let him go, Komi got out of the bed and changed out of Konoha's clothes back into his original clothes with the other respectfully looking away
" You better stick to your word, text me when you make it home"
Akinori exclaimed crossing his arms over his chest with a huff as Komi nodded walking out the door flashing a quick smile before leaving. When he left Konoha smiled to himself remembering everything that happened the night before, yeah they'd definitely have to talk about that.

Komi left Konoha's house, checking his phone he noticed the countless notifications from Sarukui but honestly he couldn't even bother to check them. His mind was only thinking of one person Akinori Konoha; he grinned ear to ear stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jacket Komi felt like his heart was going to burst in his chest, he was so happy all he could do was smile. Of course he knew that he would have to talk about last night later, Komi just wanted to think about that conversation some other time.

Stuck with you ( Konokomi) * Rewritten* Where stories live. Discover now