Chapter 12

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Without a word Konoha walked over to the bed sitting on the empty side next to Komi. The brunette averted his gaze and sat up feeling another wave of tears threatening to fall. " I'm sorry you had to go through that because of me." Konoha spoke softly, shifting on the bed so that he was facing the other, sighing " Look at me Haruki, please?" he asked, getting no response. Komi looked at Konoha with watery eyes, biting the corner of his bottom lip to the point blood was being drawn. " It's not your fault Aki. It's stupid Sarukui's fault." he spoke voice breaking mid sentence " He's trying to control you because of me though." Konoha disagreed wiping stray tears that rolled down Komi's cheeks " Now stop hurting're drawing blood.". Haruki stared up at him in awe, his heart stuttering in his chest; the gentleness, soft tone, and caring gaze Konoha was displaying made Komi not feel bad about being vulnerable. It made him feel...loved. He'd known they only knew each other for almost a month now but Komi realized at this very moment he wanted to be with Konoha and Konoha alone. " You okay Haru?. You're zoning out on me" the blonde asked, concerned for him " I love you." Komi said absentmindedly  not realizing what just came out of his mouth.

" me?"


( Short chapter, I know. But it took a lot of thinking just for this one itself -.-. Enjoy it! Sorry for the long hiatus )

Stuck with you ( Konokomi) * Rewritten* Where stories live. Discover now