Chapter 6

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Komi's POV

I was a little tired so I decided to try and take a short nap. After a couple of minutes I gave up and just laid on the bed next to Bokuto pretending I was sleeping. I closed my eyes to make it more realistic, but despise not knowing them for a long time I knew their voices pretty well so I could make out who's talking. After a couple rounds of them playing T or D Bokuto dared Konoha to let him look through his phone. I heard what Bokuto said about Konoha liking someone and that made me kinda curious. About a couple minutes later Bokuto left, so I decided to ' wake up ' truth be told I just wanted some time alone with Konoha.

" Oh you're finally awake-"

" How long was I asleep?" I pretend like I didn't know

" Uh about 50 minutes max"

" Oh okay, I don't really feel like going home.."

" So you wanna stay the night?"

" Yeah if that's okay with your mom"

" No it's fine, she doesn't mind"

" You sure...?"

" Yeah! I'm positive!"

I decided to stay but realized I had no spare clothes with me, dang it.

" Hey Konoha is it okay if I use some of your clothes?"

For some reason his  face turned red, odd but understandable.

" Yeah you can I don't mind"

" Okay thanks"

I said before getting up off of his bed and walking to the bathroom in his room, It was surprisingly big. I closed the door behind me and looked around 

"Nice..." I whispered to myself, I looked around more till I got to the mirror, there was note on it, so me being me I read it ' To hell with him' is what it read. But who was it about? Eh whatever he must be a secret edge lord or something.

Nobodys POV 

Komi decided he didn't have to use the bathroom anymore, so he left the bathroom walking over to Konoha who was laying on his bed scrolling through TikTok. Without any sort of hesitation the shorter climbed in the bed cuddling up to Konoha who tensed up for a moment before relaxing.

" Komi? Uh what are you doing?"

" Cuddling you, is that a bad thing?"

" No, no not at all."

Konoha smiled to himself, a light blush on his cheeks feeling Komi nuzzle into his chest. Yeah, he's definitely glad Komi decided to stay the night.

Stuck with you ( Konokomi) * Rewritten* Where stories live. Discover now