Chapter 7

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" So are you going to tell me what's going on between you and Sarukui? you two haven't been talking."

Komi asked breaking their comfortable silence, Konoha looked down at the male who was staring up at him with the softest look in his eyes that had Konoha's heart melting in an instant
" I...well the truth is me and Sarukui. We haven't been on good terms lately and I just- I don't think he wants to be my friend anymore."
The blonde explained waiting for a response, not expecting for Komi to kiss him softly on the cheek. It surprised him but not enough for him to freak out physically... in fact he was more comforted than anything.
" It's okay, I get it. You know for someone I just met like two days ago I feel very comfortable around you."
Komi confessed a dark blush on his cheeks, eyes looking away from Konoha's lingering gaze. Konoha resisted the urge to lean down and kiss him right then and there, he was adorable.
" I feel the same way...Komi."
He said, Komi looked at Konoha again a look in his eyes the other couldn't quite place his finger on this time. Both of them couldn't tear their eyes off of one another; like they were stuck in a trance. Not noticing the distance closing between them till their lips were only an inch apart.

" Haruki, can I?."

" Yes, yes you can."

Their lips slotted together like a perfect puzzle piece, Konoha let go of his phone sitting it on the bed, trailing his hand up to Komi's waist gripping it softly. Parting for breath they were blushing madly, pushing away from each other; the aftermath awkwardness kicking in
" We should uhm, we should probably go to bed."
Konoha suggested a bit nervously, Komi nodded in agreement cuddling back up to the other
" Yeah..but let's not pretend like this didn't happen"

" I won't."
Konoha smiled kissing Komi on the forehead.

Stuck with you ( Konokomi) * Rewritten* Where stories live. Discover now