#18. You Pretend to Hate Each Other but Sexual Tension Breaks It. (Requested)

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So this idea was requested by @HayHeyHemmings, and I loved the idea so here is a preference for exactly that x (BTW I started this months and months ago but never finished it until now so idk if that is still the person's user who requested but hopefully it is lol and also I'm not used to writing preferences again just yet so bare with me cause I know this kinda sucks but I tried! I'm not good with this concept ig  and didn't write really any smut for this cause smut is weird to write for me so yeah)

LUKE: "Just leave me alone, Luke," you shoved his chest, trying to create as much distance as possible between you two.  "Babe, come on.  Why can't we just talk about this?" he asked, trying to reach for you but that only resulted in you slapping his hand away.  You had went to meet him to have lunch earlier and ended up seeing him with a girl as soon as you got there.  It only looked like they were casually talking, but you got jealous easily so you couldn't help but automatically jump to conclusions that probably weren't true.  "What is your problem, (y/n)?  Why won't you just let me explain?  I didn't fucking do anything.  She came up to me and said she was new to town and needed help with directions.  So I helped her out.  There was no flirting involved or touching or etc," Luke said, raising his voice out of anger and annoyance.  You knew he wasn't lying to you, but you didn't want him to win so easily.  "Fuck off," you spat, walking away from him and onto the balcony, getting some fresh air.  Luke ran his hands through his hair, frustrated to the max.  You stood outside for a good ten minutes before you began to crave his touch, wanting to feel his fingertips running over your skin.  You went back in to apologize, nearly bumping into Luke as he stood right in front of you.  You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out as familiar lips were forcefully pressed against your own.  You wanted to stop him, but you were immediately lost in his taste and forgot all about being mad at him.

ASHTON: You slammed the bedroom door shut with as much power as you could, leaning against the frame and sliding to the ground against it.  "I hate you!" you shouted angrily, continuously slapping at the floor with your hands.  "God, I hate you so much, Ashton Irwin!"  Seconds later you felt the door move, Ashton banging on it as he tried to get it open.  He would have succeeded but you had locked it.  "Fuck, (y/n), open the damn door," he growled, pounding on the wood with his fists.  "Why should I?  You're an ass!  Go sleep on the couch!"  "I swear to god if you don't open the door right now I'm going to break it open," Ashton threatened.  You just laughed dryly, shaking your head even though you knew he couldn't see.  "Go ahead."  Suddenly the door was swung open, shoving you a couple feet away on the floor.  You groaned and stood up, pushing Ashton away.  "You fucking dick!"  "I told you I was going to-"  "I didn't think you would actually do it!"  "(Y/n) will you please just calm down?" he sighed, trying everything he possibly could to shut you up.  "No, I will not calm down, I'm pissed off!"  You were going to continue to yell at him, but lost your trail of thought as you were brought into his muscular body and lips were suddenly begging you to respond.  And you couldn't help but do just that.

 CALUM: The tears threatened to spill from your eyes as Calum continued to yell and curse at you, each of his hurtful words stabbing at your heart.  You wanted to scream at him, but every time you tried your throat burned and you couldn't get words to flow.  He was accusing you of cheating on him, which you could not believe.  You would never do such a thing, ever.  Since the day you and Calum had become official, you had not laid hands on or flirted with another man.  "How could you fucking do this to me?  To us?  I have been nothing but faithful to you, (y/n)!"  "And I've been nothing but faithful to you!  I don't understand where you're getting the idea that I'm seeing another man!" you yelled in his face, pounding on his chest.  "I seen you with that guy earlier, I'm not stupid!" Calum asserted, shaking his head.  You groaned, unable to believe what you were hearing.  "He's one of my old friends from middle school, Calum!  I haven't seen him in years, and I finally ran into him earlier and we had a chat.  And yeah, I hugged him but there are no romantic connections!  I would never lie to you about this," you explained desperately, bringing both hands up to his cheeks and making him look you in the eyes.  "I love you, and only you."  He still had anger and jealousy in his brown eyes, but there was something else there.  You couldn't tell what it was, though. But it didn't take long to realize what it was when you were suddenly being kissed, hard.  Calum put his hands under your thighs in the kiss, indicating for you to jump and wrap your legs around him.  You didn't protest, things heating up quickly after that.

MICHAEL: "I'm going out," Michael muttered, slipping on a pair of sneakers and throwing on a sweatshirt.  You ran your hands over your face, wanting to pull your hair out.  "Michael, stop.  I'll leave you alone, okay?  You're not in the right shape to go out right now."  "What are you talking about?  I'm in perfect condition," he argued, though all of the empty bottles of alcohol in the trash said otherwise.  He had been upset with you all day, and as a result had been drinking for the past few hours nonstop.  You were worried about him, and you couldn't have him driving in such a state.  But you knew that once Michael made a decision, it was nearly impossible for you get him to change his mind.  "You've been drinking.  You're not going anywhere."  You reached for his arm in an attempt to hold him back, but he just shrugged you away clumsily.  "I'll be back later."  "Michael, please, stop," you begged, wrapping your arms around his waist to keep him in place.  "You don't want to do this."  He began to get angry now, turning around to glare at you with bloodshot eyes.  "You don't know what I want, (y/n).  Now get the fuck out of my face."  Your heart immediately ached at the words that left his mouth, but you knew it wasn't actually Michael talking.  He was drunk, and if he were sober he would never curse at you.  And he was about two seconds from walking out the door.  So you did the only thing you could think of now to stop him.  You kissed him, passionately, ignoring the foul taste of alcohol on his lips in hopes to distract him and make him want to stay and forgive you.  You tangled your fingers in his hair and smiled as he responded positively, kissing you back with as much passion.  You knew that he wasn't going anywhere now.

YO remember to message or comment some cool requests and I'll have the next preference up asap!!! 

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