#7. You're Best Friends & You Say Goodbye at the Airport.

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A/N: I don't have much to say about this one, except I hope you like (:  And if you do, please vote and comment and add this book to your library x

LUKE: You and Luke stood across from each other in the terminal, both of your gazes locked on the ground.  You both knew that if you looked at one another, you’d break down then and there.  It was time for your best friend to leave to America to join One Direction on their tour, and he would be gone for at least six months.  You wouldn’t be able to see him in person for at least 180 days, and it brought an ache to your heart just thinking about it.  If you could barely stand a day without being near each other, how would you be able to take six months?  You sniffled and brought your hands up to your eyes, the tears beginning to run down your face.  Within two seconds the all too familiar pair of arms were around you, holding you tight.  You didn’t have to look to know that it was Luke, holding you one last time before he had to board his flight.  You let out a choked sob and threw your arms around his neck, hugging him to your body as close as physically possible while more tears freely left your eyes.  ”I’m going to miss you so damn much, Luke..”  He buried his face in your shoulder, hiding his own tears from your view.  ”I’m going to miss you more, (y/n).” The sound of his voice made you cry harder, knowing you weren’t going to be hearing it for much longer.  He sighed and rubbed your back, trying to soothe you.  ”Please don’t cry.  I’ll be back before you know it.  I promise you.”  Just then his flight was called on the intercom, and you knew that he had to go.  You gripped onto his jacket as hard as you could, wishing you could stay in the moment forever.  You slowly released your grip and backed out of the hug, giving him a sad smile.  ”Goodbye, Luke.”  He forced a weak one back and picked up his bag.  ”Goodbye, (y/n),” he whispered, turning around and walking away, only glancing back at you once.

ASHTON: "I don’t want you to leave," you croaked, wrapping your arms around Ashton’s waist as tight as you possibly could.  He chuckled, trying to hide his own sadness with fake joy.  "I don’t want to go either, (y/n), but I need to.  If anything, you should be happy that I’m not going to be around for awhile.  You won’t have to worry about anyone stealing your food anymore," he joked, his voice slightly cracking at the end.  You scoffed and shook your head, resting your head against his chest as he continued to hold you.  "I don’t care about people stealing my food, Ash.  I care about seeing my best friend whenever I want to, and now I can’t even do that for a few months."  A sigh left his lips and he put his chin on the top of your head, closing his eyes and cherishing the last moment you two had together for awhile.  "I know, babe.  It’s going to be hard for me too, believe me.  But we’ll get through it.  It’s only a few months.  I’ll be back here in no time," he said, trying to brighten the gloomy mood.  "Are you sure?" you whispered, your tears now blurring your vision.  He nodded, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead as his flight was announced for boarding.  "I promise, (y/n).  I’ll see you soon."  You sniffled and forced yourself to break out of the hug, watching as he grabbed his suitcase and gave you one last smile, tears in his hazel eyes.  "Bye, babe," he said quietly, giving you a small wave before turning around and heading towards his plane without another word.  You stood in the terminal for at least five more minutes, just staring in the direction that he left and wishing that he would appear again at any second, but deep down you knew he wouldn’t.  "Bye, Ash.."

CALUM: You giggled softly as Calum picked your small body up and spun you around, trying to make your last minutes together before he boarded his flight as merry as possible.  You knew how much Cal hated seeing you cry, and if you ended up crying he would end up bursting into tears himself.  He was trying to hold off your tears as long as he could.  He laughed lightheartedly and set you down after a moment, his arms still wrapped around your waist.  ”Thanks for coming with me today, (y/n).  I don’t think I would’ve been able to handle leaving without saying goodbye to you,” he said, his words already bringing water to your eyes.  You took a deep breath to prevent your tears from falling and nodded, looking at your feet.  ”I wouldn’t miss saying goodbye to you for the world.”  A tear rolled down his cheek then, and you brushed it away with your index finger.  ”Hey now, don’t cry, Cal.  If anyone should be crying right now, it’s definitely me,” you mumbled, getting lost in his bright brown eyes.  You had been doing that lately.  You’ve actually been falling for Calum for the past month, but hadn’t been able to tell him.  He was your best friend, and that’s all he ever would be.  If you told him that you wanted to be more and he didn’t feel the same, nothing would be the same between you two again.  So you decided to keep your feelings to yourself.  But now, with him leaving for tour, you felt like you had to let him know.  ”Cal I…I have to tell you something before you go,” you forced out, your throat going dry.  ”What is it?”  ”I like you as more than a best friend,” you managed to say, your heart speeding up inside of your chest as you waited for his reaction.  His eyes widened, but he didn’t say anything.  You felt your heart begin to drop when he suddenly connected his lips to your own, letting all of your doubts about how he felt fade.  You kissed him back with all your might, showing him exactly how you felt for him before you couldn’t for awhile.  His flight was called on the intercom then, and he hesitantly broke out of the kiss.  ”I feel the same way,” he whispered, hugging you to his body for a second before he had to go before he’d be late.

MICHAEL: You pushed your damp hair out of your eyes as you ran down the terminal, searching everywhere for your best friend.  Michael was leaving for America today and would be gone for quite awhile, and you were supposed to meet him before he left to say your goodbyes.  You ended up waking up late though, and now you were freaking out because you weren’t sure if he was still waiting for you or not.  You could feel the tears prickling in your eyes as you scanned the area once more, praying to see his familiar face.  When you finally spotted him standing a few yards away with his hands anxiously running through his white and black dyed hair, you felt as though a million weights were being lifted off of your shoulders.  He was still there.  He hadn’t left.  Without another thought you sprinted in his direction, shouting his name to get his attention.  He heard you and turned to look at you, a smile lighting up his face in seconds.  As soon as you reached him you were engulfed in his arms, feeling safe and protected.  You panted out of breath and hugged him back, “Thank god you didn’t leave yet, Mikey.  I was so scared that I wasn’t going to be able to say goodbye.  I’m so sorry that I was late.”  He shushed you and shook his head, “Don’t worry about it, (y/n), it’s okay.  You’re here now, aren’t you?  And so am I, so there’s nothing to fret about.”

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