#4. First "I Love You".

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A/N: a cute preference that i guarantee you'll love (: remember to vote and comment and share this book with your friends x

LUKE: “Luke, stop! Put me down!” you demand in between laughs, your fists pounding on your boyfriend’s back as you try to get him to set you on the ground. The two of you were being childish and building sandcastles, when he suddenly threw you over his shoulder and began sprinting towards the ocean, where he was planning on throwing you in. He just shook his head and continued towards the large blue body of water, ignoring your pleas. “Wait, what did you say? You want to get thrown in?” he asked, pretending that he misunderstood your words. You were about to scream out in protest, but you couldn’t when you suddenly made contact with the cool waters. You quickly surfaced and moved your drenched hair out of your eyes so that you could glare at Luke, who was currently standing a few feet away and dying of laughter.  You put your hands on your hips, raising an eyebrow at him.  ”Is something funny to you, Hemmings?”  He smiled and shook his head, trying to stifle his laughs.  ”Nope, not at all, (y/l/n).”  ”I’d start running if I were you,” you warned.  He acted like he didn’t hear you and continued standing where he was at the shoreline.  You counted to three in your head and ran up to him, jumping on him as soon as you reached him, causing the both of you to tumble backwards into the wet sand.  Luke chuckled and wrapped an arm around your waist, using his free hand to caress your warm cheek.  Meanwhile, you had your own arms around his neck, both of you getting lost in each others eyes.  He opened his mouth suddenly and said the three words that you had been waiting almost a year for him to say.  ”I love you.”  You smiled wider than you ever had before, your heart racing from the moment inside of your chest.  ”I love you too,” you murmured, connecting your lips to his.

CALUM: You and Calum were having a Saturday night movie marathon.  It consisted of the two of you cuddling together under a blanket on the sofa, eating a large amount of candy and popcorn, and watching a ton of movies, of course.  Right now The Vow was playing on the television screen, and you were nearly in tears as they showed the part where she wakes up from the accident and doesn’t remember her husband.  It was one of  the saddest parts in the film, and no matter how many times you watched it you couldn’t help but cry a little at that scene.  Calum saw that you had tears streaming down your cheeks and wiped them away with his thumb, before kissing your forehead.  ”It’s okay, babe.  There’s no need to cry,” he murmured, tucking a stray strand of your hair back in place behind your ear.  You sniffled and nodded, laughing at your emotional side.  ”I know, it’s just so sad!  She doesn’t even remember who he is, and she can’t even remember that she loved him with all her heart.  How can something so terrible like that happen?  I can’t imagine that happening to us,” you blurted the last part without thinking, your eyes going wide as you realized that you had technically just told Calum that you loved him.  He put your words together and smiled, wrapping his arms tighter around you before he spoke.  ”Well even if that did happen to us, I can promise you that I would never give up.  I would never give up on us all because of a little mishap.  I would stick around until you remembered me and the love you felt for me, because I love you with all of my heart.”

MICHAEL: You jumped up from your seat on the couch beside your boyfriend Michael, happily waving your ps3 controller in the air.  ”I won, I won!” you sang-song while you danced around the living area, making Mike laugh.  He grinned at your bubbly figure and shook his head, “It’s only because I let you win.”  You stopped dancing and rolled your eyes, smirking down at him.  ”Sure you did, Mikey.”  ”I really did!” he repeated, smiling at the fact that you didn’t believe him.  You giggled and sat back down in his lap, getting ready to start another round of COD Black Ops.  ”Why in the world would you let me win, then?  You never let anyone that you’re playing against win.”  He took a deep breath and moved his lips to your ear, whispering the words that you were definitely not expecting to hear.  ”I let you win because I love you, (y/n).”

ASHTON: “This is really beautiful, Ash,” you breathed out in awe, gazing up at the brightly lit night sky.  It was you and Ashton’s six month anniversary, and to celebrate he decided to take you to lay out under the stars in the nature park near his house. It was peaceful and quiet, and you felt at home and safe in his muscular arms.  ”It’s not nearly as beautiful as you,” he said, his breath fanning your face.  You felt the heat rush up to your cheeks as his words sunk in, butterflies going crazy inside of your stomach.  Ashton always had the ability to make you flustered by saying or doing the tiniest things, and he was the only one who could.  You smiled shyly and snuggled your face into the crook of his neck, the faint scent of his cologne filling your nostrils.  You loved the smell.  ”You really are perfect, Ashton.  I couldn’t ever ask for a better boyfriend than you.  You’re all I’ve ever wanted,” you admitted, tracing the veins on his arm with your bony fingers.  ”I’m not the perfect one here, babe- you are,” he chuckled nervously, almost like he was afraid of saying what would come next.  ”and I love you.”

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