#3. You're Really Sick & He Doesn't Know What to Do So He Calls His Mum.

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A/N: I really liked writing this one on my tumblr and it was requested quite a lot; enjoy (:

LUKE: “Baby, is there anything I can do?” Luke whispered, looking at you with sad blue eyes. You stuffed your face into your arm as another cough rolled on, the power of it making your body shake slightly. Once it was over you took your hands back in Luke’s and shook your head. “Just stay here with me,” you croaked, your voice hoarse and ragged. He smiled weakly and agreed, bringing your hands up to his lips and kissing your knuckles softly. “You bet I will,” he murmured, trying to fight the tears that were welling up inside of his eyes. He had never seen you so sick before without a reason, and it was scaring the shit out of him. He didn’t know what to do to make you feel better, as the medicine he was giving you wasn’t working the least. He was frightened but tried not to show it, but you could see right through him. You figured you just had a bad cold and that you’d be feeling better in a day or two, but that didn’t make him any less worried. After he gave you another dose of cough medicine he told you to rest, thinking that would make you better. You agreed and finally managed to fall asleep after Luke began running his fingers soothingly through your hair. When you were sound asleep he let the tears fall, each of them silently rolling down his cheeks. He didn’t know what else to do. The only thing he could think of doing now is calling his mum. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed her number, Liz answering on the third ring. “Luke, honey, is something wrong? It’s nearly midnight by you,” Liz spoke, clearly concerned. Luke sniffled and wiped his cheeks, “It’s (y/n), mum. She’s been really sick all day and it seems to be getting worse. I’ve t-tried giving her medicine and having her take a warm bath and everything but nothing’s helping. I need help.” Liz sighed, “Luke, it’s going to be alright. (y/n)’s going to be fine. What’s happening with her?” “She’s been coughing a whole lot, and she’s freezing and has the chills,” he told her. Liz immediately knew what was going on. “Oh, she just has a small case of the whooping cough. It sounds like the same thing that I caught a while back. All she needs is to get a prescription from the doctor, and she’ll be feeling better in no time. Alright?” she reassured. Luke nodded, breathing out in relief. “Okay, thanks mum. I was really worried about her.” “I know, but there’s no need to be. She’s not going anywhere, honey,” Liz laughed lightheartedly, making Luke smile a little and roll his eyes. “Yeah mum, I know she isn’t.”

ASHTON: Ash paced back and forth around your bedroom as he held his phone to his ear, impatiently waiting for his mum to answer. You had been vomiting for the past two days now and have been feverish, and it didn’t seem to be getting any better. Every time you would eat saltines or soup, it would just come up a few minutes later. You couldn’t keep anything down at all, and Ashton couldn’t even find a way to get you to keep Ibuprofen down. It was starting to really get to him so he decided to call his mum, figuring that if anyone knew what to do from experience, it would be her. She wasn’t answering though, and Ashton was getting even more agitated as the seconds passed without an answer. “Fuck mum, pick up the phone already. I really need to talk to you,” he muttered, gripping at his hair with his free hand. You suddenly whimpered as another wave of nausea ran through you, your body instantly hunching over the edge of the bed as clear liquid from your stomach spewed into the trash can beside you. As soon as Ashton seen what was happening he hung up the call and ran over to you, holding your hair back and tracing circles in your back. “That’s it baby, it’s alright. I’m right here, (y/n),” he whispered, fighting back the urge to cry at the sight of you so ill. Once you were done emptying out your stomach you fell back into Ashton’s chest, quiet sobs escaping you. You felt so disgusting and sick at the moment that you couldn’t take it. All you wanted was to feel at least a little bit nicer, but still after two days you felt the same. He wrapped his arms around you gingerly and tried comforting you, holding you in his arms. His phone rung after a couple minutes and he quickly answered it, relief rushing through him when his mum answered. “Ashton, what’s going on with (y/n)? Is she okay? I heard your voicemails and I called back as soon as I could. I just turned my phone back on; I was at work all morning,” she said. “It’s fine mum, but I don’t know. She’s been throwing up everything and anything for two days now, and she hasn’t gotten any better. I don’t know what else I can try to make her more comfortable. I was going to take her in to the hospital to see what’s wrong, but she won’t go,” Ash told her, his bottom lip trembling as he spoke. He was trying to stay strong in front of you, but it was becoming hard for him. He had been strong for the past two days, and now it was getting harder to continue. “Don’t worry, darling, it’s just a very bad case of the stomach flu. She should begin feeling more like herself tomorrow. If she doesn’t, take her in. And if she tries to fight it, call me back up. I’ll make sure she gets checked out.”

CALUM: “You have to know what to do, mum. I honestly don’t know what else. Her fever is at nearly 103 and I can’t get it to go down. I’ve done everything I can think of,” Calum explained to his mum, his voice cracking. He was nearly on the verge of tears, and it made you want to cry. You weren’t physically able to, though. Your body ached and was severely hot and sticky on all areas of your skin, and your fever was getting higher every minute. You felt like you were going to faint as well. You watched drowsily as Calum cried to his mum, praying that she knew a way to help. When she concluded that an easy way of getting fever’s down was to take a ice-water bath, he nearly hit himself in the head for forgetting about such an important idea. He thanked her and said that if it didn’t work he’d call back, and hung up. He then rushed over to your side and carefully lifted your hot body up and carried you into the bathroom, where he stripped you of your clothes and set you into the tub before turning on the cold water. It burned against your skin at first but soon relieved the fire, and you sighed and rested your head back against the wall. Calum noticed that it seemed to be working and kneeled down beside you, smiling softly and brushing his thumb across your now cooler cheek. “All better, babe?”

MICHAEL: You pressed your fingers hard against your temple as Michael listened to his mum’s advice intently, while praying that whatever she said would make the pounding ache in your skull disappear. You had been suffering from agonizingly painful migraines all week, but today you had the worst one yet. You were walking down the steps of you and Mike’s apartment and nearly fell down the staircase as the unexpected pounding sensation came. Luckily, Mike was at the bottom of the stairs and was able to catch you before you injured yourself. You had taken at least five pills throughout the week, and they hadn’t been working. Michael didn’t know what else to give you, and you didn’t either, so he suggested on calling his mum. She usually knew what to do when he called her, and you hoped that was going to happen again this time. After a few minutes Mike hung up and turned to face you, his face expression telling you everything. “You’ve been taking the weakest Ibuprofen this entire time. She gave me another medication that’s stronger than that one and will work 100% guaranteed,” he said, grinning playfully to lighten the mood. “So it looks like I’ll be right back. I’ve gotta go get you the good medicine.

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