#13. He Gets You a Pet.

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ASHTON:  "Oh my god, it’s so cute!" you squealed, nearly about to jump up in joy at the sight in front of you.  Ashton was standing there with a small bunny rabbit in his hands, the furry creature covered in snow white fur with a pink little nose.  It was definitely one of the cutest things you had ever seen.  You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling wildly as your gaze flickered back and forth between your boyfriend and the new pet that he held.  "Where did you find him?" you asked, reaching out towards the animal and gently petting its head.  "I didn’t find him.  I bought him from the pet store," Ashton chuckled, holding the bunny rabbit out towards you.  "Do you want to hold him?"  You nodded ecstatically, cheerily taking the animal in your small hands and looking it over in awe.  "I can’t believe you got me a bunny.  I’ve been wanting one ever since I was a little girl!"  He grinned, planting a kiss on your cheek.  "I know, babe, that’s why I got him for you."

CALUM:  Your eyes went wide with surprise as Calum moved his hands out from behind his back, revealing an adorable baby turtle to you.  You nearly screamed out of happiness at the sight, as you had wanted to get a turtle for as long as you could remember.  And now here was your boyfriend standing in front of you with your very own turtle in his hands.  ”Calum!  You did not buy me a turtle!”  He laughed, shrugging.  ”I don’t know, (y/n), I think I did buy you a turtle.  I mean, you’ve been wanting one, haven’t you?”

LUKE: “Happy birthday, baby,” Luke whispered into your ear, removing his hands as a blindfold from your eyes and giving you access to see the german shepherd puppy that was sitting in front of you.  A gasp left your lips as your eyes landed on the precious dog, unable to believe that Luke had gotten you exactly what you wanted for your birthday.  You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling from ear to ear.  You bent down to the ground and scooped the puppy up into your arms, the dog proceeding to lick your face.  You giggled and turned to Luke, pressing a kiss to his lips softly.  ”Thank you, Lucas.  I love it.”

MICHAEL: You nearly fainted as you caught sight of the ferret that Michael was holding, unable to register the fact that he had gotten you the exact pet that you had been wanting since you were six just randomly and out of the blue.  You didn’t even recall telling him how badly you wanted one, as you figured that it didn’t matter because whenever you would say that you wanted one you were always told the opposite of what you wanted to hear.  It was hard for you to believe that you had finally gotten what you had wished for.  ”You got me a ferret, Mikey?” you whispered, gawking at the cute furry animal trying to squirm out of his hands.  You gladly took it out of his hands and held it in your own, happiness overcoming you as you had it in your grip.  ”You bet I did, babe.  I found out how badly you’ve been wanting one, so I saved up a bit of money and bought one for you.”

 I’M BACK WRITING PREFERENCES GUYS.  I KNOW IT’S SO EXCITING. So yeah if you have any ideas just message me and lemme know okay shanks. x

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