#10. Only Human (Based off Song by Christina Perri)

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MICHAEL: "Michael, stop it.  Where are you going?" you demanded, catching up to Michael just as he was about to open the front door and leave the apartment that the two of you shared.  You grabbed onto his bicep, stopping him in his tracks.  He sighed and turned around to face you, a gasp escaping your lips as you seen unshed tears in his eyes.  "Are you okay?  What’s wrong?" you asked softly, searching his eyes for the answers to your questions.  You had never seen Michael tear up, ever, unless something was really bugging him.  The sight of him nearly in tears right now worried you to the core.  "I’m sick of it, (y/n).  What is it that makes the other boys better than me?" he croaked, his voice cracking.  You shot him a look of confusion, furrowing your eyebrows at his words.  "What are you talking about, Michael?  You’re just as amazing as the other guys," you said, still unsure of what was wrong.  He shook his head roughly and suddenly threw his fist into the wall beside the two of you, causing you to scream.  "Don’t fucking lie to me, (y/n).  What is it?  Is it because they’re better looking than me?  Or because they’re funnier?  Or because they’re more talented?  I just want to know why all of our fans seem to like me the least of the four of us!  What did I do?"  It clicked inside of you and you knew that it was because of the hate he had been getting.  He’s always been getting the most hate out of the boys, and many people have told him that he didn’t deserve to even be apart of the band.  He always shrugged it off and told you that he didn’t care about what they said, but it was obvious that he did.  He really did care about what they thought, and now all of it was just too much and he was losing it.  You frowned at the sight of him breaking down in front of you, and you pulled him into a hug, trying to calm him down while hoping to let him know that you were there.  "Sh, Michael, it’s alright.  You didn’t do anything wrong, babe.  You’re perfect, and those so called fans are idiots if they can’t see how talented, attractive, and funny you are.  You’re wonderful, Michael, and I love you so much.”

LUKE: You set your keys down on the kitchen table, relieved to finally be off of work for the day.  You sighed and entered your bedroom, your eyes widening at the scene in front of you.  Your boyfriend, Luke, was sitting on the floor with a razor in his hands, his arm covered in cuts and crimson.  He had tears streaming down his cheeks as he brought the bloody razor back over his arm, not even noticing your presence.  ”Luke!” you exclaimed, catching his attention.  He looked up at you tiredly, his mouth opening in surprise.  ”(Y/n)?  What are you doing home so early?”  ”My boss let me leave early,” you answered, making your way over to him with a towel and immediately wrapping it around his injured arm.  ”Luke…why?  Why would you do this to yourself?”  You could feel water filling up in your eyes, but you didn’t care.  You only cared about Luke right now, and were trying to understand what made him cut himself so badly.  Was it you?  Was it something you did or said?  Was it one of the boys or the fans?  He sniffled and dropped his head in defeat, more tears running down his face.  ”I’m sorry, baby.  It’s not you.  I’ve…I’ve just had so much weight on my shoulders for the past two years.  I’ve been trying so hard to make sure the fans and everyone aren’t disappointed, and some of them are.  I just wanted to make them happy.  And then there’s those people that are so cruel and hateful, and-”  ”Lucas, listen to me.  You have so many people that care about you and love what you do and sing, and those people that don’t obviously don’t know what they’re saying.  You’re doing the best you can, and the majority of everyone is pleased with what you’ve came up with.  You can’t let the small portion of haters get to you.  We’re only human.  We can’t please everyone,” you explained sadly, wrapping your arms around him and holding him close.  ”Please don’t do that ever again.  Those people aren’t worth your sadness.”

CALUM: You scrolled through your timeline on twitter with a scowl on your face, absolutely disgusted with what some people were saying about your boyfriend’s band.  There were tweets varying from just ‘they suck, don’t listen to them' to 'worst band ever to be formed; we’d be better off if all of the members got hit by a bus’, and it sickened you to the core.  You couldn’t believe that people could say such things about the boys, especially after how long and hard they worked to get this far.  It hurt you, and you knew that it only hurt the others even more, especially Calum.  Calum might seem like one of the toughest of the group, but in reality he was the one who took hate the hardest.  He always tried his hardest to please everyone, and when he didn’t, he felt as if he didn’t try hard enough.  ”Oh.”  You jumped a little in your seat and turned around to see Cal behind you, looking down at the screen of your phone with a grimace.  ”Babe, it’s only a few people compared to thousands.  You shouldn’t let it get to you,” you said, but you knew that it didn’t matter.  Hate was hate, and any hate would chew at him until he found a way to ease the pain.  He nodded weakly but turned around to leave the room, only to do god-knows-what to himself.  You quickly jumped up from the couch and snaked your arms around his waist from behind, making him stop.  ”I mean it, Cal.  Please, just let it go,” you begged, resting your cheek against his bare back.  He exhaled and turned to face you, forcing a small smile and putting his hands on your hips.  ”Okay, I will.  I’m fine.  I promise.”

ASHTON: "I’m sorry that I can’t sing as well as the other boys; I guess that’s why I’m stuck on the fucking drums," Ashton cursed under his breath to himself as he did the dinner dishes.  You watched from the corner of the kitchen as he scrubbed the plate that he was working on roughly with the sponge, wincing a second later when the ear piercing sound of glass shattering filled the air, concluding that he had just broken the dish.  It was silent until Ashton’s voice filled your ears once more.  "Goddammit!  What the fuck?" he snapped, throwing the other half of the plate that was still in his hands into the sink, only making more noise.  You bit down on your lip and slowly walked towards him, cautious incase you were to pass a line.  "Ash, it’s okay.  It’s only a plate.  We have a ton of others, and we can always get another one-"  "It’s not just a fucking plate, (y/n)!  I could give two fucks about the damn dish.  Right now all my fucks are going to all the hate I’ve been getting lately!  I’m sick of it!”  You backed up slightly, afraid of how angry he was getting.  You had never seen Ashton get nearly as mad as he was now, and it frightened you a bit.  ”Why are you going to let it get to you?  You’ve never let it get to you before-”  ”I have let it get to me before!  It always got to me!  I just didn’t show it!  But I can’t deal with it anymore!  It’s getting ridiculous!  I’m absolutely sick of it!”

This was actually sad to write; I came up with this because that song relates to all of us, as we’re all only human- including the boys.  They have feelings just like us, and everyone needs to understand that.  Also, I just wanted to say that I’m here for any of you if you need someone to talk to.  I love you all, and stay strong. xo 

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