The rest of the day with Schlatt

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After, when you got off the ride, your legs were shakey and you were all pale in the face. He laughed at you as you held his arm and walked to a bench, “I knew I was gonna win! Now where is my 5$?” he said jokingly but also serious. You looked up at him and said “My bag is in the car. Along with my phone and other stuff that aren't useful to you.” you huff. And he picks you up and carries you over his shoulder, “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!” you loudly whispered as he takes you to a ride that you wanted to go on. It was one of those swing rides that bring you up into the air and you spin in a circle high in the air. And you looked at him and he said “You don't necessarily HAVE to pay me.. So I think since I only really wanted to go on the ride we will go on the rides you want.” he says with a smile. You grab his hand as it was your turn to get on one of the seats. And then the ride started. After a few more rides you both were tiredly walking to the car and laughing. When you got in he looked at you and you looked at him, when you first looked at him, he looked very laid back, don't care sort of guy. But now that you're looking at him now you can tell that he isn't what you think his personality is. You had never seen him this tired and sweet, but also very gentle and making sure that you were feeling good, or anything. You guys started to drive home when you announced “Hey, I'm hungry. What about you?” he took a quick glance at you then back at the road, “Yeah, I am kinda hungry. I'm getting there but not starving level hungry.” he said continuing to take quick glances at you. You pulled out your phone, you ordered a pizza. “It should be there once we get to your place.” you said with a bright smile looking at the stars.

When you got home the pizza guy was just pulling up you took your pizza gave him a 10$ tip and went inside to the kitchen. “Hell yeah!!! That's amazing timing!!” you said not expecting the pizza to be here immediately as you got to Schlatt's house. After you eat you guys walk to the living room “I don't think we should have ate one half of that pizza we might regret it tomorrow.. ” you say full. He looks at you and looks at the TV “Movies?” he asks with a smirk “Movies.” you say. He plops down on the couch and you sit down next to him and sit your legs crisscrossed on the couch. You guys go to the movie section and look around and after awhile you find a movie that sounds good. By the time the movie is half way through you and Schlatt are laying down on the couch pressed up to each other trying not to fall off the couch. Close to 19 minutes later you were turned facing Schlatt holding him while you lied there sleep he watched the rest of the movie and after he carried you to the guest bedroom and layed you down on the bed. He covered you up in the sheets, and walked out.

The next morning you woke up at 9:14 AM which was sleeping in for you. You opened the door and was hit in the face with the smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. You walked out to the kitchen and he said “Good morning sleeping beauty.” Schlatt said to you not looking at you, but continuing to cook. “Good morning to you too..” you say rubbing your eyes and yawning. After he cooked you asked him, “What drinks do you have?” he looked at you and wrote down everything he had and wrote, 'Just take stuff don't ask because I don't care'. So you got up and walked to the fridge and grabbed some water he looked at you “The hell? Everything I have and you choose water?”

BSS: Hey guys, ladies, people sorry I have not been writing anything it's because I got grounded for a bit and I have been unmotivated. Sorry for the short chapter but I water to post something for today so you know I ain't freaking dead. But have a nice day, night, or evening I will try and post another chapter today or tomorrow if I get a little more motivated.

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