The big surprise

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You went into the guest room and you started streaming. As the veiwers screamed random letters and stuff in chat, excited to see Schlatt you were getting in a discord call with Dream, George, Karl, Quackity, Tommy, and Niki. You started the stream and Schlatt knew you did and walked in and said these exact words without smiling or laughing “Y/T/N wanna go out on a drive and maybe do something for fun.” then everybody started laughing in your ears. You too started to laugh out if pure amazement, as chat and the text-to-speech started saying ‘Oooooooohhhhhhh Y/T/N has a boy friend! Y/T/N has a boyfriend!!!’ you turned red out of pure embarrassment and ended your stream not thinking about how many disappointed people there are right now for waiting 3 1/2 minutes for your stream only to have it end 4 minutes after. You turned to him and started screaming a bunch of different words that you would usually mute yourself on a call and on stream to say, as you were yelling you started to cry and made a pouty face. After the whole shebang of him trying to cheer you up it was 4:39 PM as the little surprise was after dinner.

You went back to your room  and started streaming yet again this time you streamed in a discord room alone as Tommy joined to make sure you were alright not knowing that you were streaming. “Hey.. Y/N.. Are you alright? We didn't hurt your feelings did we?” he says as sweetly as he can “No.. You didn't thanks for-” you were cut off by the sound of screams as he looked at his phone to see you had started streaming and began to use his off camera person. “WHY THE FUCK DID I CALL YOU Y/N YOUR NAMES NOT Y/N IT'S FUCKING Y/NN (Your nickname) NOT Y/N IT'S EVEN Y/T/N!!” you laughed at Tommy's sudden change of attitude. You streamed for about two hours with Tommy, Karl, and Sapnap this time and after you were done streaming you went down stairs to eat dinner.

After dinner Schlatt went to the car and drove to your favorite store to buy some craft supplies. And then drove home, put the supplies down at home, and brought you to the car and said “I have 2 surprises Y/N. 1 suprise I have for you is some type of place, the other is something that I think you would like.” you looked at him and then watched the surroundings as they grew familiar. You recognized the area and all of a sudden knew you were stopping for desert, and then at an arcade. As you were getting your ice cream you didn't notice Schlatt starting at you with some kind of crazy love for you in his eyes.

BSS: HEYY!!! Sorry for posting I have been unmotivated to write this week and a lot of the time. I have been writing head cannons so I am not COMPLETELY unmotivated to write but unmotivated enough to not want to write on Wattpad. But! I am back with a new chapter I wanted to get something out before I went to bed. Have a good night/morning/evening whatever time it is in the world for you! Because the time I am writing this it is 11:53 PM. But anyways, bye!

"I Think I Met My Soulmate..." Jschlatt x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now