"Is this... A DATE?!"

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After you eat you go to the bathroom and then walk to Schlatt and tell him “I'm gonna go take a shower okay?” he looks at you and says “You just need me to get you a towel? Is that why your telling me this?” you giggle. “Yeah dumbass why else would I tell you?” you say sarcastically he looks at you and walks out of the kitchen and grabs you a towel. You grab the towel and walk into the bathroom, after your shower and getting dressed you walk out he looks at you up and down “Holy crap” he says.

 You grab the towel and walk into the bathroom, after your shower and getting dressed you walk out he looks at you up and down “Holy crap” he says

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(You wore an outfit like this also I made this character myself UWU. I'm proud and of course your hair and eyes are what your eye and hair color is but it looks some what like that. Or if you have short hair it's almost like that)

Schlatt stares and runs to grab a towel and take a shower to show you he is better at choosing clothes than you.

(Again I made this and this is what he put on)

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(Again I made this and this is what he put on)

He runs out to you and screams “I MADE A BETTER OUTFIT!” you stare at him and say “Ya look good let's go out and do something! It's nice out today so what are we gonna do?” You look over at the TV and back at him, he walks over to you and picks you up, he brought you both to the car. He put you down and opened the car door then you got in now wondering what was happening. He thought to himself 'What the fuck am I doing....' “Hey,” he starts to say “What movies are playing now?” you look up movie theatres near you and looked at movies that were playing. After getting there and getting all the stuff for the movie you walked down to the theatre that was playing your movie. In the middle of the movie you grabbed his hand on accident, he looked at you and looked back to the movie and softly giggled. After the movie you went to the bathroom and then left to go home, or at least you thought. It was about noon and you were hungry, “So you grabbed my hand during the movie. What was that about?” he asked. You blinked as your face turned red from embarrassment “OH MY GOD, I'M SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY SCHLATT I DIDN'T MEAN TOO!!!!!” you screamed as he laughed heading towards Culver's. You soon realized that this wasn't the way to Schlatt's house.

“Schlatt this isn't the way to your house?” you said looking at the road confused to where in the earth you were heading to he just giggled. You pondered where he was taking you to until you saw him turn in an all to familiar place, you gasped out of excitement, your stomach growled, and your mouth watered. After ordering your food you both sat in the parking lot. You grabbed your food, opened it up and took a bite out of it. Schlatt grabbed his food and then took a bite out of his food too but something was weird about this, he would sometimes stare at you when you weren't looking.

After finishing up you both decided that you were still hungry and wanted something else so you both ordered milkshakes. After getting the milkshakes Schlatt started to drive back to his place. And as you were driving somebody started texting you, Schlatt looked over and said, “Jesus Y/N what are you an Instagram model? Tiktok influencer?! What the fuck?!” you laughed as the same person kept spamming your phone. It was Wilbur and Tommy you read all their medsages and joined the discord call and as you joined you heard a tea kettle and immediately knew Dream was there too. You jokingly called the idiots knowing Tommy was on stream, you laughed and joked for awhile before finally returning back to Schlatt's house. “Bye you guys! I have to go I'll see you soon! Ok?” you said as the three guys said bye and then you left. You guys had been out for about 3 hours and he had been planning to do something else with you tonight, and you were excited for this surprise because the first surprise was amazing.

BSS: HEYOOOOO!!! Sorry I haven't been posting chapters, I have just been busy and unmotivated but I am trying to get out as many chapters as I can! I hope you liked this chapter, yeah have a good day/night/evening where ever you are in this world! Byeeeeeeee!

"I Think I Met My Soulmate..." Jschlatt x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now