Coming out as trans :)

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You looked at the calendar realizing it was pride month. You looked over towards your boyfriend and look back heart racing. You walk over to him heart practically pounding out of your chest. "Hey baby," his words trail off noticing your worried face, "Hey, what's wrong?" You look at him and remember that the worst thing that could happen is he could not support you.

"Baby, how would you feel if I were to tell you that I'm trans?" you stare at him waiting for some type of answer.

He stares at you before answering "Why? Are you trans?"

You cross your arms and look down ashamed of yourself. He gets up and walks over to you "Baby, if you are you should know I will make a lot of jokes. But I do support you." your eyes met him and lit up when he said that. You hugged him, feeling more secure or happy with yourself. That was all you needed to hear, to know how you were supported by your love. And that it would always be like that.

"Thank you," you said before kissing him.

Word count: 188 words (without this and the a/n)

A/N: I tried my best to make these chapters, happy pride month. Just know that you all are accepted by someone in this world. That someone might be me! Your brother, sister, or sibling (which ever pronouns you would like to use for me bc I am pangender) supports you if nobody does <3. And I hope u support me like I support you! Bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals, I hope you have a great day, evening, or night and a great pride month full of acceptance, love, and good vibes (and more). Byyyeee<33

&quot;I Think I Met My Soulmate...&quot; Jschlatt x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now