Minecraft Lore Stream (Angst)

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BSS: So before we start the chapter I just want to say this whole chapter is Minecraft role-play until the end of the chapter. So, like don't get too mad at the stuff Y/N does and if you are joking about something in one of your comments put /j so I know! c: But anyways enjoy two angsts in a row.

Tw: Yelling, missing person
You walk into Las Nevadas to visit Quackity, as you are walking you felt off like somebody is watching you. Before you can think about the felling you bump into Quackity “I'm so sorry sir!” you say trying to be polite. “Y/N, I've told you before, just call me Quackity.” he says reassuring you slightly, “Ok s- I mean Quackity.. But I'm here to talk about business.” you respond to the black haired man. He raises an eyebrow, “Business?” he asks you nod as he leads you to his office and sits in the seat in front of you “What kind of business we talking?” he says dealing cards. You explain everything about how you thought about starting a war with kinoko kingdom and needed his side to join you but asked “Should I even start a war? After all the wars we have been through?” he shakes his head no to your questions and explains that not all of life is about war and death, but it can also be about peace and connection. You take into consideration his words and nod playing the card game started in front of you, rummy, and game that you knew how to play.

You ended up winning and then taking your leave saying farewell and paying your leave toll and say goodbye to the Fox in the tolling booth. You walked to the prison to Dream and Technoblade, the guard does all of the procedures he needs to do before letting you in. Dream chuckles and says “Well, well, well, look who the cat dragged back.” you sighs and put on your cheap smile. “Hello Dream...” you say angrily while managing to keep a smile on your face. After you sit with Techno and talk to the both of them you leave after 19 minutes and walk back and grab your stuff. You went back to your house and sat down and cried as memories of your friends flooded back and how good friends everyone was before all of the wars, now a new nation will be started by Wilbur.

You stood up wiping your tears hearing knocking on the door, you open it to see an old friend. “What do you need...... Wilbur...” you say not very happy. “One of your good friends went missing Y/N...” he says out of breath and clearly panicked, “You wouldn't tell me this unless... It was somebody you care about..... Like... No.” you say realizing it, “It's Tommy... He is missing.” he says worried.

BSS: Hey, it's now four days in a row, I don't know what else to do for the story today so, I am just going to chill today sorry for just putting up a trigger warning on the last chapter. But I am just gonna continue watching the Emily is away VOD from Tommy because I never 100% finished the stream because I kept switching from his stream to tiktok. But have a good day/night/evening whatever time it is in the world for you! Bye Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary pals!

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