Meeting her family (Angst)

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Tw: Mentions of fighting and yelling

Y/N's trip ended and so Schlatt and Y/N decided to go home and collect the rest of Y/N's stuff that she needed everything she didn't need was going to a Good will. Schlatt helped pack the last of your things and as you were driving you said “Hey take a left here, let's go and visit my parents!” you said brightly, it has been a few months since you had seen them. After telling him the directions he drove there and you knocked on the door to your childhood home, you couldn't help but get a little bit of nostalgia. You stood there waiting soon your mother walked over to the door and greeted you and then asked “Is this one of your friends Y/N?” you shook your head no. And you announce “Actually we just started dating a week or two ago!” you then go and kiss him on the cheek.

You two were upstairs with one of your younger cousins watching him draw and play you were sat there one the floor next to him and started complimenting his art skills the child laughed happily. Soon you heard your mother and father call for dinner, so you got up and held you little cousins hand as you went down stairs swinging your hand back and forth. You said grace and started to eat grabbing what you wanted. Your father and Schlatt started talking about stuff and got along pretty well, while you and your mother started talking about everything that you all were planning to do this week. After dinner your cousin helped clean up and then grabbed his phone and ear buds and blasted music into his ears and walked back up to his room. You and Schlatt were sitting down on the couch cuddled next to each other everything seemed to be going perfect until you just heard many words being yelled from the kitchen down stairs this made you jump, you started to cry from all the yelling that you heard. Schlatt picked you up and grabbed out your phone unlocking it he put in your Bluetooth ear buds and put them in your ears and turned on your favorite song.

He went up to your cousins room and waved goodbye, then he wrote a note that said 'Thank you for dinner, but me and Y/N must get going home we had a long day and just need some rest. Thank you again hope our disappearance didn't frighten you. Have a good night. ~ Schlatt'. Then he snuck out of the kitchen and you held tight into him he rubbed your back hold you like a baby in his arms. He walked back to the car and set you in and put your seatbelt on, he walked to his door and opened it sitting down and putting his seatbelt on. He held you in his arms before driving off to the nearest hotel and spent the rest of the night there. Before the pool was closed you went to the pool and swam for a bit and then went back to your room and watched the goosebumps series with Schlatt. You fell asleep soon Schlatt looked at you and kissed you on the forehead and turned off the computer tucking you in bed and snuggling up next to you. When you awoke, you were in the car driving back to Schlatt's he had his arm where your head was so you were comfortable.

BSS: Three days in a row woo! I am doing good! But yeah just adding a little bit of ✨drama✨ to the story today but thanks for 191 reads I believe! I can't believe it I didn't think I would get that many. Thanks! Have a good night/day/evening whatever time it is in the world for you! Byeee!

"I Think I Met My Soulmate..." Jschlatt x Female ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum