3. Truth unfolds

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At the library, 7:38 pm.

Sayli completed the book and yet had some time before leaving for home. She thought about the letter she read. Yesterday she was too overwhelmed just after reading the letter, and did not think of even opening the scroll. 'I really don't want to believe in it. Though that letter is just.... But I am sure that the letter and scroll has something to do with my dream and this unique ability of mine.' She decided to read it again and connect the dots. 




At Sayli's home, 9 pm.

She sat down for dinner with her mother. "Papa is still at work?"

"Yes." She nodded. Her dad is a workaholic, spending most of his time at his workplace.

"Well about Nani, you had told me that she passed away after giving you birth, right?"

"Yes, my dad told me that. Why are you asking me suddenly? Wait you opened that box?"

"No I couldn't. But I was just wondering what there would be." 

'sorry mom, I can't tell you a thing.'  She said to herself.

She locked the door of her room and opened that box to read the letter again. 'Maybe I was dreaming yesterday.' She sat down to calmly read the whole thing.




'Hey Sayli, I am your Nani, Darshini... 

I need your help. Please patiently read this all, this is not a joke. I'll tell you everything.

So it all started when I had helped a really old man at a lake. He was there for fishing, and was struggling a lot, so I had to help him. That man was no ordinary man. He gave me three small paper sheets and smiled at me.

"Thank you so much for your help dear, you are a good person. Please accept this. Write a wish on each and just leave it alone. Your wish will be fulfilled, but you can't tell anyone about these paper sheets or about your wishes. If you do, the papers will burn to ashes and none of your wishes will be granted."

He was really strange, and what he said made no sense to me, but out of curiosity, I decided to try. So the first wish I made was that 'I want the ability to read minds'.  The next day was a bomb. I got that ability. But the paper on which I wrote my wish, had vanished. 

I was very happy and took out the remaining two sheets. My second wish: 'I want to know my future in my dreams'. Since then, I used to hear a voice telling me about what will happen in the next day or two.

Everything happened just how I used to see in my dreams. I was really happy. This went on for few months. Sometimes I used to get frustrated as I can't share these things with anyone. I'm happy now that at least I can tell this to you. I recently gave birth to a girl, your mother. Everything was normal, till yesterday. 

The reason why I am writing this is that, I am going to die today. I heard that in my dream yesterday and I don't know how and why. There is no way that it can be avoided because I used to try changing the things after I see my future. The result is EXACTLY the same as what I have seen in my dreams, no matter how hard  I  try to avoid it. It is unavoidable. I had also thought of telling someone, so that the condition is broken and everything I wished for, will be gone. But still the dream that I have already seen is deemed to happen. So ideally there is no saving me. But I am afraid for my daughter. I am alone at home as your Nana is out of town for some work. I don't know what will happen tomorrow, except that I will die for sure.  

So now I have written my last wish in the scroll like this:

 'All that is written in the scroll along with this sheet will come true.'

I have not written this letter to your mother because I had once dreamt that my daughter will be a soft-hearted and  emotional person, but her future generation will be the opposite of her. 

I want you to help your mother. She will definitely survive because of what I have written in the letter. Because if I don't, my future generations will live in difficulty.  

I literally have very less time left a few hours maybe. I am truly sorry for burdening you, but I can't think of any other way to secure the future of my further generations. Who knew I will die at such a young age. 

You will understand more clearly once you read the scroll. But remember, you won't have much time to think once you read it. So you have to finish this fast, before it's too late.'

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