10. 1959 (3)

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After running for 25 minutes which seemed like the longest 25 minutes of her life, Sayli finally reached the mountains. The mountain area was covered with pitch darkness and any normal person would find it spooky to wander around there at this time. But Sayli couldn't care less about her surroundings for now. She started searching for a way to cross the mountain. 

While wandering, Sayli felt the presence of some other person, and she became alert. After finding the correct path, she ran off without looking behind. 

By the time she crossed the mountain, she was drained out. But she smiled when she finally saw a house between the trees. 'Nani must be there. Finally.' She was so desperate to get this done with and go back to her present that thirst and tiredness couldn't stop her.

She ran towards the house, despite being tired and broke open the main door, going through every room she saw. When she found no one in any of the rooms, she climbed up the stairs. The house was surely big and it was weird for anyone to live in such a huge place in a remote area. Sayli halted on her tracks when she saw two doors, one at each side of her. She quickly opened the door at her left side and entered with hurried steps.

Sayli froze in her place as soon as she entered. She realized what she got herself into. She understood each and every thing after looking at her surruondings. She was too overwhelmed to move a muscle, knowing what will happen now.           

It was a girl sitting on a chair, looking terrified at Sayli's sudden appearance. 

The girl backed away. "Please don't kill me. Stop there."  

"I'm-" Sayli tried to calm her down, but it was in vain as the girl quickly got up and shouted.

"NO!!" The girl took out a knife and ran towards Sayli, trying to stab her. Sayli's mind already knew what was about to happen, but she couldn't react wisely, she was at loss of  words and actions.

"Stop it, just stop." Sayli sounded desperate as she wanted to avoid the upcoming event but she obviously panicked and twisted her hand and struggled to get off her, causing her to stab her own Nani.

Her Nani gasped in shock, holding her stomach."Wh-Why would you do th-that."  She screamed.

Sayli couldn't move from her place, trying to digest the fact that she is the one who killed her Nani. The nightmare she always saw was nothing but this unforgettable event. The unknown figure that she always saw in her dreams was none other than herself. 'I always wished I could get ride of the dream by killing that girl, turns out I really did.' She thought.

Sayli felt herself getting pulled out of the room. It was the person who was following her since she left the couple's house. She saw the person's face and felt like passing out. 

"ABHAY HOW THE HELL ARE YOU HERE???" Sayli was confused about how she should react to him being here, in the past; where she thought that she was the only one who came in the past. So in her nightmare, the figure that pulled the murderer out was Abhay.

Abhay nodded while panting heavily, indicating 'Let me breathe first.'

Sayli was too impatient to wait. "HOW COME YOU ARE HERE? SINCE WHEN? HOW DID YOU FIND ME THO? Saying something! And do you remember about the nightmare I told you about a person killing a girl. It was no one but me killing my own Nani. And I-"


"What relax what's there to relax-"

"I had arrived here just after you came. "


"That day I was wandering around the area while we were talking right? I had seen you across the road. Before I could call you out, you jumped abruptly in the opposite direction and I ran towards you. While I crossed the road, you were nowhere to be seen. I searched for you there, and then... well I don't know what and how exactly I was pulled in this era. But a man woke me up and told me that he found me unconscious near some market area. I thanked him and excused myself to search for you. But I couldn't."

"Oh so you just saw me right now?"

"About that..." Abhay paused and tried looking away from Sayli who was fuming in anger after his last remark.

"You had found me before only, didn't you? Why didn't you show up earlier you ba-"

"You were having fun with those two old people and I thought I told you that you are the only one who has to solve this mess!"

"We could have talked this out! We could have reached to a conclusion where I wouldn't have to kill my own grandma! She would have been alive by now." She screaming while trying to control her tears. 

"Sayli, her death was bound to occur after of the last dream she saw; if not by you killing her, then by any other way."

"No Abhay you did not get it. If my mind would have changed back in our present time, I wouldn't have arrived here and this...... this wouldn't have happened."

"You didn't do anything regrettable. Trust me, if not for you, she would have died by one way or the other, maybe in a worse way. Don't feel bad about it."


"Yes. Chin up now, we need to find your mother."

Sayli nodded while wiping her tears and got up. "Yes"

They both entered to the room on the right side. The whole room was filled with kids stuff. On one corner of the room, there was a cradle.

Sayli rushed towards her. "There she is, mumma." She gently picked the baby up, like she is the most delicate thing on earth. She smiled. "I used to look just like her."

"This is so weird. A daughter holding her mother who is just born. So... now what?"

Sayli paused for a moment to recall what was next written in the scroll. "Safe hands..."

"So you have to give her in safe hands now." Abhay commented.

"I only know one family in this area. And you know I got a clue from them only."

"What? really? How come?"

"I eavesdropped." Sayli said while smiling cheekily. "The old couple probably know my grandparents. I heard that my Nana told uncle that they are hiding behind the mountain area; hiding from whom I don't know."

Both were confused about this situation, but decided to head out.

It was almost 10:30 pm now and both quietly got out of the house. They looked around to ensure they aren't seen by anyone. They have actually killed a person and they obviously need to stay low. Sayli was quietly walking beside Abhay, lost in her thoughts. Killing a person is not an everyday thing for her so of course she was freaking out. And now the primary job was left to be done- ensure mom is in safe hands.

"So once we give your mom in safe hands, we'll be back in present! Oh I miss my bed so much."


"We have a lot to catch up as well"


"Are you even listening?"


"You are an idiot."


Abhay now slapped the back of her head. "So you agree"

Sayli hit him back with the same force. "Agree to what?"

"huh... nevermind. What are you thinking about tho? You didn't hear anything I spoke just now."

"I am thinking to give mom to that old couple. You see, Nana is currently out of town or something, its written in the letter. And they also know each other. So mom will be safe."

"Correct. And after your Nana is back, the couple will probably hand her over to your Nana."

"But how can I just take a baby to them and tell them to handle?"

"We can do it the OG way, what say?"

Sayli raised an eyebrow. "You sure about that?"



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