11. 1959 (4)

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"You didn't see her coming home? Where is she?"

"Probably left." Rashmi shrugged, making her mother more anxious.

"What do you mean she left? She doesn't know her surroundings, she might be in trouble!"

"Honestly you don't have to worry about her."

And the argument continued. Apparently, no one had seen Sayli entering the house and leaving at bedtime. Aunty found her missing when she went to her room to call her for some help. Till then, uncle entered the house, unaware about the situation. 

"I got Ramanand's message by post that he will be back in two days, one of us have to go tell his wife about- wait what's going on?" He was surprised to see his daughter awake at this time.

"Sayli did not come back home!" Aunty said in a panicked voice.

"What? Did she leave a note or anything?"

"No, I searched for any such thing. And all her old clothes are then and there. I also asked our neighbors, but they haven't seen her. I am worried."

"And I am going to leave." Rashmi got up to leave the house.

"Where are you going at this hour?"

"I am not really interested in this conversation so I'll just go and meet my friends."

"Not now Rashmi."

"Why do you act like I am going at this hour for the first time?" Yeah that's right. Going out at odd hours was a normal thing for her. Sometimes when she feels lonely or when duty calls.

Rashmi opened the main door of the house and saw a basket lying on the ground near the steps. As a reflex action, she became cautious about this foreign object lying in her territory. She knows her family has made quite a few enemies by saving villagers from fraudsters. But soon she heard low cries coming from that basket and rushed towards it.

"Oh god. MOM DAD COME HERE." She called out for her parents as she picked up the baby and a note lying beside it.

"What happened- " Uncle stopped talking when he saw a baby in Rashmi's arms. 

" Someone left this at our door. With a note."

Aunty took the baby from her and calmed the baby down. They looked around but it was pitch dark.

"Let's go inside." Aunty said and went in, followed by other two.




"Woah your plan worked." Sayli high-fived Abhay. They were hiding behind a wall of a house opposite to the couple's house, from where they can see everything but no one can see them.

"Turns out this method is classic. Now we just have to wait for destiny to take us to our fate- our present."

"You sound like a heart-broken poet."




" I'll read it. 'She is Ramanand and Darshini's daughter. Please take care of her till the time Ramanand is out.'  and that's all it says." Rashmi read out the note. Everyone's faces held a horrified expression. 

"Who must have left her here?" Aunty questioned.

"Let's go at her house, hurry up..... Rashmi, you won't come with us. Stay back and look after the baby." Uncle declared and got up.

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