5. Who are you

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At Sayli's house, 11:02 pm.

She entered her house by using the spare key she always kept with her. She quietly made it till her room without waking up her parents.

After brushing she plopped into her chair to read a book, totally trying to keep away the thought of reading the scroll. Once the scroll is read, something will happen, for which she is not ready yet. She is trying to mentally accept that she is going to experience something really crazy. 

The next day, 6.17am.

She woke up straight with wide eyes, panting heavily.

 'WHEN WILL IT STOPPPP!!!!' Again the nightmare. How much she wished to kill the girl in the nightmare herself so that she can sleep peacefully. She checks the time, 6.18 am. Great. She decides to take a walk in the ground which is just a few minutes away from her house. After brushing and wearing jogging pants, she went in the kitchen just to find her dad leaving for his work. 

"Good morning Papa."


"You could have at least said good morning." She stopped in her tracks, giving him a stern look.

'Not again, with these talks. When will she stop nagging like this every time we meet?' He signs and just says-

"Good. morning." emphasizing on both words.                                                                                    "Happy?" He asks, being annoyed.

"Would have been happier if you really meant the words. Anyways. Bye." She drank half a glass of water and left the house.

Her dad just stood there, looking at her with a tired expression. She always misunderstands.

She walked around the playground, on the walking path, looking at the people doing exercises, yogas, and some youngsters playing football. There were only a few people at this time, as the playground gets noisy after 8 am. Such surroundings suited her. Looking at the old people doing laughing exercises made her smile. No one disturbing her. She might look like a loner and introvert, but she doesn't find any problem with it. Introverts might not like others' company, but they do enjoy their own company. 

After walking for about 45 minutes, she stopped and took a seat on one of the benches. She closed her eyes to not think much about her surroundings, not aware of a person staring at her. She was enjoying the peace until a certain someone decided to ruin it.

"Excuse me?"

She groaned and opened her eyes to spot the enemy of peace. She frowned at the sight of a guy. The guy looked around her age, maybe few years older. He was looking at her.. kind of... suspiciously.... with squinted eyes.

"What?" She asked after looking at his weird stare. She was trying hard not to narrow her eyes as always, but her curiosity got the most of her. She finally narrowed eyes to know what he is up to. 

She kept looking at him with narrow eyes but couldn't hear him. She got so confused. This never happened that she narrowed her eyes and could not hear the other person. Because a person always has something or the other running in his mind. Whenever we say that one should not think about anything while doing yogas, he is continuously thinking that don't think about your work, don't think about your studies, don't think about your problems, yet he keeps thinking about them.

She turned her head towards an old uncle who had just taken a seat with the group of old gossiping people. 

'Ahh they are talking about BJP and Congress today as well. Guess I'll have to leave early today.' She heard the old man. So the ability is still working. Then what about this guy?

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