8. 1959 (1)

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Sayli's stomach was grumbling by now and she had nowhere to go. She walked along the dark path. There were old- styled houses which made here wonder in what time she is. She saw an old couple with huge sacks walking towards her opposite direction. 

"Excuse me, can you tell what date is it today?" She knew that people would find her weird but that's the least she could care about right now.

The couple stopped in their tracks to look at her. "Its 15 December, today is the final day of the super sale..." the lady said.

"Ahh ye- WHAT????" She shouted. "Year?"

Now the couple was looking confused. They looked at each other. "Girl are you fine? Its 1959." They said, while looking worried.

Sayli then realized that this was the probable era in which she would come. She quickly thanked them and turned around, finding her earlier path. She had asked the date and also confirmed the year. 1959 was her mother's birth year; and her birthdate was 3 December. 

'Now now now... relax....One- Nani did not die after giving birth- that means mom was lied by Nana that Nani died after giving birth, two- Nani gave birth just few days ago... so she will die anytime soon because she wrote in the letter that she dreamt about her death after giving birth. Shit.... how will I know when she died. I can't get to help mom till I find this out!' She thought.

Sayli was really confused and was on the verge of crying now. How much she wished to tell things to Abhay to find a solution. How will she find her solution now? There was no clue that she could think of.

"Dear? Are you okay?" The old lady asked while walking towards her. She gasped when she saw Sayli crying. "Shhh calm down... what happened exactly?"

Sayli looked at her with teary eyes and hesitated to speak.

"Aunty. you can call me aunty. Tell me dear what is bothering you?"

"I am lo-lost aunty, help me." 

"Calm down.. where are you from?"

Sayli did not want to reveal her identity so she played it safe. "uh-Mumbai?"  The couple was confused. 

"But what is this place?" Sayli continued.

"This is Rajatgarh." Uncle answered.

'Rajatgarh... I don't think I have heard about this place. As far as I remember, Nani lived in some... Baug? Some village whose name ended with ...baug. But its definitely not Rajatgarh.' Sayli thought.

"I haven't heard of a place named Mumbai but don't worry, we will surely find out. Please calm down now." Uncle was trying to console her. The couple tried to distract her and they were successful.

"You are hungry right? Come lets have some food, the market is just nearby." The old uncle said.

Sayli agreed that she was hungry, but hesitated to go with them. The couple seem to notice her worry. 

"No need to worry, you seem lost, let us help. And nothing will happen to you, we will be there in public." He smiled.

"Thank you uncle. And my name is Sayli." She said, as they started walking towards the market.

"That is a nice and different name, like your clothes." aunt said.

Sayli realized that she was wearing a plain T-shirt and track pants. "Yea-yes. I am not from this area... so.... Ah let me help you." She said, while taking the bags from their grip.

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