My Protector (Toni Shalifoe)

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Toni has always protected Y/N from the time they were little kids. One night, as she is walking home from work, Y/N gets mugged. Toni feels guilty for not being there to protect Y/N. TW: Mugging/mentions of non graphic violence.

Toni has always been Y/N's protector. From when they were five years old and met in Kindergarden, she has been there for Y/N and has gotten several detentions for punching people who messed with Y/N. Toni never care though. No one hurt her best friend and got away with it.

They developed feelings for each other sophomore year of high school, but never admitted then until their senior year. Toni and Y/N have been happily dating ever since, even going to the same college, and are very much in love. They recently got engaged and have been planning a summer wedding. 

One cold January night, Y/N is heading home from her job as a social worker. She has stayed a few hours late and is eager to get home to Toni. She doesn't notice the man sneaking up behind her until it is too late. He beats her and grabs her purse which contains all her belongings before running off, leaving her bloody and bruised. Y/N is finally able to gather the strength to get up and finish the walk home. She knocks on the door, and Toni opens it and gasps. Toni ushers Y/N inside and helps her sit down on the couch, grabbing a first aid kit from the bathroom. 

"Baby, what happened?" Toni questions, kneeling in front of Y/N.

"I got mugged. The dude came out of nowhere," Y/N explains.

"Oh honey. Let me clean you up and then we can go to the police station, okay?" Toni sighs, trying her best to remain calm despite the anger threatening to overwhelm her at the thought of someone hurting her Y/N. 

"We can go in the morning. I just want to go to sleep," Y/N yawns.

"Alright. Hold still for me, love," Toni agrees.

Toni patches up her knuckles first, from where Y/N punched back. As she wraps each one, she kisses them lovingly, causing Y/N to smile softly. Toni then disinfects and puts a large square-shaped bandaid on each of Y/N's cut up knees as well as a smaller one on the wound on Y/N's forehead. Lastly, she grabs an instant ice pack and punches it so that is grows cold and instructs Y/N to hold it to her black eye while she makes her some tea.

Once Y/N finishes the tea, Toni helps her change into some flannel pajama pants, pulling a sleep shirt over her head. Toni changes as well and settles Y/N into bed, joining her after double checking that all the doors and locked and turning off the lights. She wraps Y/N into her arms and presses a kiss to Y/N's forehead. Y/N knows something is wrong with Toni. She can sense it, as she has been able to since they first became friends all those years ago. 

"You know this isn't your fault, right babe?" Y/N whispers.

"I know, but I should have been there to protect you like I always do," Toni sighs.

"Hey. You will always be my protector no matter what, Toni Shalifoe. You have saved me countless times before. This wasn't your fault, and the most important thing is that I am okay," Y/N soothes, pecking Toni's lips.

"You're right, as always. Now, get some rest, Y/N. I love you," Toni nods.

"Okay. I love you too, my protector," Y/N yawns as she curls up in Toni's arm.

She soon drifts off. Toni watches as Y/N sleeps for a while. Soon, she allows herself to fall asleep as well. Toni knows that everything will be okay, and she vows to herself that she will not stop until the man who did this to her love is caught. 

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