Puppy Surprise (Avalance/Reader)

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Modern day AU. Y/N brings home a puppy from the local shelter without telling her girlfriends. After some convincing, the puppy is allowed to stay and quickly steals Ava and Sara's hearts.

Ava frowns as she approaches to door to the house she shares with her girlfriends, Y/N and Sara. She hears little puppy barks coming from inside. They don't have a dog, last time she checked. Once she unlocks the door, a small bundle of fur comes rushing towards her. It is a German Shepard puppy with coffee brown eyes and a black nose. 

"Uh, why is there a puppy in the house?" Ava asks as she closes the door behind her, bending down to pet the puppy

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"Uh, why is there a puppy in the house?" Ava asks as she closes the door behind her, bending down to pet the puppy.

"Our lovely girlfriend decided to use her day off to go to the animal shelter. She saw this guy and apparently 'He practically begged me to adopt him'," Sara explains.

"Ah. Where is Y/N? There's no way we're keeping him," Ava replies.

"Right here, and can we please keep him? I work from home most days anyway and can hire a dog walker the days I have to go into the office," Y/N begs, coming in from the kitchen.

"Y/N, a puppy is a lot of work. Are you sure you're up for it?" Sara questions.

"I'm sure. I'm sorry I didn't ask before hand, but I really want to keep him. So, can we?" Y/N pleads.

"Okay, but if he pees in the house, you are cleaning it up," Ava sighs, "Sara?"

"We can keep him. What's his name?" Sara agrees, never one to deny Y/N or Ava anything.

"Jasper. His name is Jasper," Y/N smiles.


It's been a few months since they took Jasper in. He has grown more and more each day, and is quite a good dog. He rarely has any accidents and knows lots of commands such as sit and stay. Even though they try not to, both Ava and Sara find themselves falling head over heels for the little rascal. 

Sara knows she has fallen in love with him when she gets home after a long day on the job as a police officer. She opens the door and Jasper comes running up to her. She pets him and he barks happily. The blonde showers before changing into a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. She settles onto the sofa, smiling as Jasper jumps onto it and cuddles into her side. By the time Ava and Y/N arrive home, Sara and Jasper are fast asleep, snoring lightly.

Ava knows she has fallen in love with Jasper after she gets sick. She sends Y/N and Sara to work despite their protests. They each kiss her forehead and Y/N takes the dog out before they leave. As Ava lays in bed, not having the energy to get up, Jasper hops up beside her and cuddles into her side. She tries to push him away, but he refuses to go, so she lets him stay. She strokes his fur and finds that just having him there to keep her company relaxes her. By the time Y/N and Sara get home that night, they find Ava watching television, Jasper curled up by her side. 

Needless to say, Ava and Sara are glad that they let Y/N keep Jasper, and vow to love the dog unconditionally. Y/N couldn't be more happy about this, and her phone soon fills with photos of her girlfriends with Jasper.

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