Three is Never a Crowd (Sanvers/Reader)

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Alex and Maggie have noticed how Y/N looks at them. They decide to confront her and share their own feelings.

Alex notices during a movie night. Maggie is focused intently on the screen, having selected tonight's movie. Alex in nestled in Maggie's arms while Y/N is sitting at the end of the couch. The DEO director notices how Y/N's Y/E/C eyes will drift over to both of them when she thinks no one is paying attention.

 Her gaze is full of love and longing, and it makes Alex wonder if she has feelings for them. Alex has had feelings for Y/N from the moment they met, but she has Maggie, so she has never acted on them, but if her instincts are right, Y/N has feelings for them both. She hopes they are and that Maggie feels the same way about Y/N as she does.


Maggie notices the next week during brunch. She and Alex are sitting on one side of the table, Y/N on the other. When Y/N thinks they are occupied with their food, the detective observes Y/N looking at them both longingly. She knows that look: it's how she used to look at Alex before they began dating.

If she's honest, she has always had a crush on Y/N, but there's Alex, whom she is deeply in love with. She has been planning to talk to Alex about it for a while, as she is pretty sure Alex feels the same way as she does, and they have discussed polyamory before. Maggie decides that she will bring it up tonight, and with that, she turns back to her food.


Turns out, Alex feels the same and the pair agree to ask Y/N if she would want to go out on a date with them. They have her over a few weeks later once they are all free as their jobs have gotten hectic over the past few weeks. Alex picks up the Chinese food, Maggie sets the "table", which is just the coffee table as they decided it's more casual that way, and once everything is ready, they wait for Y/N to arrive.

Never one to be late, Y/N arrives exactly on time and they all sit down to eat. The food is delicious as always, and they down it quickly. Alex clears the plates with the help of Y/N and they all sit back down: Alex and Maggie on the couch, Y/N on a beanbag chair.

"Y/N, Alex and I need to talk to you about something important," Maggie starts.

"Okay. Is everything alright?" Y/N replies worriedly.

"We've seen the way you look at us when you think we don't notice," Alex informs Y/N.

"I.. I'm sorry. I know you too are together and I didn't mean to develop crushes on you but I did. I get it if you don't want to be friends anymore," Y/N sighs, refusing to meet the other women's eyes.

"Y/N look at me," Alex orders calmly. Y/N looks up at the DEO director, biting her lip nervously.

"We feel the same way, and were wondering if you would like to go out on a date with us," Alex continues.

"Really?" Y/N asks, astounded that these two amazing women feel the same way.

"Yes, really. So what do you say, Y/N/N? Want to go out with us?" Maggie smirks.

Y/N nods, and throws herself into their arms, beaming. They catch her easily, grinning at each other. Needless to say, they are quite happy that they asked Y/N out, and Y/N is glad that they feel the same way.

GirlxGirl ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora