Cue Doctor Mode (Alex Danvers)

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Y/N gets injured on a mission. Alex goes into doctor mode and cares for her as she recovers. 

"Alex, there's so many of them," Y/N tells her girlfriend/director over the coms.

Y/N and her team are on a mission to take out some Cadmus agents. They were only expecting there to be about ten, but there is more like thirty and only 5 DEO agents. They are quickly becoming overwhelmed. 

"Do you think you and the team can take them down?" Alex asks worriedly.

"No. Shit. There's way too many. We need to get out of here," Y/N curses.

"Go. Retreat," Alex orders.

Alex hears Y/N yell the orders to retreat, and her worries ease. However, soon she hears the whizz of a bullet and Y/N let out a groan of pain. 

"Y/N, what happened? Are you okay?" Alex questions.

"Boss, Y/L/N's shot. We need backup!" Another agent informs Alex.

"Okay, Supergirl is on her way now. Get her out of there and put some pressure on the wound," Alex demands, motioning to Kara to fly over and save everyone. Kara takes off quickly, worried for her sister in law. 

Kara returns with Y/N in her arms after what seems like an eternity. Y/N groans in pain from a bullet wound in her stomach. After being loaded on a stretcher, she is rushed into surgery, leaving Alex pacing, overcome by worry. Luckily, the bullet missed her internal organs, so Y/N is going to be alright. As soon as she is out of surgery, Alex sits by her bedside, holding her hand until she awakens. 

"Hey baby," Y/N groans, voice hoarse.

"Hi Y/N/N. Don't you ever do that again, okay? You scared me," Alex replies.

"I'll try not to. I love you, Alex. I'm sorry I scared you," Y/N promises.

"I love you too. You have to stay here overnight, but tomorrow we can go home," Alex tells her wife.

"Mk. Will you stay with me?" Y/N asks.

"Of course, darling. Always," Alex agrees, kissing Y/N's forehead lovingly.

As she promised, Alex stays by Y/N's side the entire night. She initially refuses to sleep next to Y/N, worried that she will accidentally hurt the other woman in her sleep, but finally succumbs to coaxing and falls asleep with Y/N wrapped in her arms. That night, both of them slept well, knowing that Y/N is going to be alright.


The next morning, Y/N is allowed to go home. The moment they arrive at their apartment, Alex goes into full doctor mode. She insists Y/N gets into bed right after helping her change into a pair of sweats and a loose hoodie. 

"Baby, please. I can sit on the couch. I don't need to be in bed," Y/N sighs as Alex helps her under the covers.

"You got shot. You are staying in bed at least until your stitches come out. Now, what do you want for breakfast?" Alex replies.

"A smoothie please," Y/N decides, knowing Alex has gone into doctor mode and arguing with her would to be of no avail.

"Coming right up," Alex says as she heads to the kitchen.

For the rest of the week, Alex makes Y/N stay in bed. Y/N soon grows to not mind it, however, as Alex spoils her rotten with cuddles and food. When Y/N's stitches finally come out on Monday the next week, both women are relieved. Even though she loves taking care of Y/N, Alex is happy that Y/N is back to her normal self again. Y/N on the other hand is relieved that Doctor Alex has been replaced with usual, loving wife Alex. They both fall asleep that night, wrapped in each other's arms, with wide smiles on their faces, happy that their lives are back to normal. Well, what qualifies as normal for the pair anyways, that is!

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