Out Of A Fire And Into My Heart (Maya Bishop)

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Soulmate mark AU. Maya pulls Y/N out of a burning  grocery store. As she cares for her wounds, she notices Y/N's soulmate mark. 

"Captain! There's another woman in here! Towards the back," Andy tells Maya as she sets the young boy she carried out of the grocery store down safely.

"Okay. I'm going in," Maya decides after realizing everyone else is busy, "You're in charge until I get back."

After checking her equipment, the blonde fire captain rushes back inside. As she makes her way through the fire, she comes across a woman trapped in the back by a fallen shelf. It has landed on her arm. The woman is fairly short and has Y/H/C and Y/E/C eyes. When Maya approaches, she can't help but notice how beautiful she is, and she is instantly drawn to her.

"Hi. I'm Captain Bishop. I'm going to get you out of here. Sound good?" Maya states, taking the the falling shelf and how it is positioned. 

"Very. I should have just done Amazon Fresh. Dam this hurts," Y/N replies.

"I'm sure it does. Luckily most of the groceries fell off, so I'll be able to get it off pretty quick. Hold still," Maya instructs. 

Maya manages to lift the shelf and set it aside. Maya picks Y/N up bridal style as she is clearly in pain and has inhaled a lot of smoke. She carries the woman out of the store and lays her on a stretcher. Maya gently pushes Y/N to lay back down by placing a hand on her shoulder as she groans and tries to sit up.

"Easy there. Here. Just breathe for me while I take a look at your arm, okay?" Maya urges as she places an oxygen mask on Y/N, who nods.

Maya inspects her arm, which is clearly broken. It also is scraped up very badly. Her heart lurches in her chest as she realizes Y/N has a tiny black star on the inside of her right wrist: the same exact soulmark that Maya does. Y/N is her soulmate. Y/N notices Maya staring, and looks at her questioningly. Maya lifts up her right sleeve and shows her wrist to Y/N, who's eyes widen.

"Okay, so going to the grocery store and getting my arm crushed by a shelf was so worth it," Y/N states, causing Maya to chuckle and nod. It was indeed worth it after all. 


A few years later, Y/N awakes to Maya placing kisses all over her face. She smiles at the blonde fire captain and pulls her down for a lazy good morning kiss. They pull away beaming at each other. 

"Good morning, my gorgeous wife," Maya whispers.

"Morning, love," Y/N yawns, "You have the day off today, right?"

"I do. Anything special you want to do?" Maya nods.

"Can we just lay in bed and cuddle all day? We've both been so busy with work and I've missed you so much," Y/N asks.

"Of course we can, baby. Come here," Maya agrees, laying down and opening her arms for Y/N.

Y/N snuggles into Maya, resting her head on the blonde's chest. The fire captain kisses her forehead lovingly. They just lay there as the morning sun streams in, enjoying each other's company, love radiating from both of them, happy that even though the circumstances that led them to meeting for less than ideal, that they occurred. That fire led them to each other, after all, and for that, both women will be forever grateful.   

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