Meeting The Super Squad (Lucy Lane)

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Lucy introduces Y/N to the super squad. TW: brief mentions of alcohol.

"Babe! We're going to be late," Lucy calls as she puts in her earnings.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Y/N sighs, emerging from the bathroom. 

Lucy smiles as she looks Y/N up and down. Y/N is wearing a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, white tight fitting tank top, and a flannel that brings out her Y/E/C eyes. On her feet is a pair of black converse high tops. Her Y/H/C hair is pulled up into a messy bun and she has a small amount of natural makeup on. Y/N blushes as her eyes meet her girlfriend's.

"Do I look okay?" Y/N asks. 

"You look gorgeous, my love," Lucy tells her. 

"I'm nervous, Luce. What if they don't like me?" Y/N admits, biting her lip the way she always does when she is nervous.

"Hey. They will love you just like I do," Lucy assures her as she takes both of Y/N's hands in hers.

"Promise?" Y/N asks.

"I promise. Let's go, love," Lucy replies.

The pair head out of their shared apartment. They put their helmets on and Lucy climbs onto her motorcycle as Y/N climbs onto the back. Y/N wraps her arms around Lucy securely as Lucy starts up the bike. They begin the short drive to the alien bar. Once they arrive, Lucy parks her motorcycle and they take their helmets off before heading inside and grabbing their drinks from the bar.

"Lucy! Over here," Kara calls eagerly as she spots the pair, who head over and slide into the two empty seats.

"Hi guys. This is my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Kara, Alex, Winn, James, Lena, and Maggie," Lucy introduces. 

"Hello," Y/N greets nervously.

"Hey Y/N. Glad to see you're actually a real person. Pay up, babe," Maggie smiles, holding out a hand to Alex.

"You guys bet if she was a real person?" Lucy sighs.

"Yep, and I lost. Nice to meet you though, Y/N," Alex replies as she hands her girlfriend a ten dollar bill.

"You too," Y/N smiles politely.

"So, Y/N, you're a lawyer, right?" James questions. 

"Yep. I work in family law," Y/N nods.

"Cool, cool. How did you meet?" Winn asks.

"She ran into me and spilled her coffee all over me. Luckily it was an iced coffee," Lucy laughs, wrapping an arm around a blushing Y/N.

"Aw. Adorable," Kara squeals, "Aren't they cute, baby?"

"Yes, but not as cute as you," Lena replies as she pecks her girlfriend's check.

"That's gay, Lena," Alex jokes.

"So are you, Alex," Lena shrugs.

"Touche. Now, who's up for around of 'Never Have I Ever'?" Alex replies, sipping her beer. Lucy chuckles, recalling the last time they all played "Never Have I Ever."

"You're in for a wild night, Y/N/N," Lucy tells Y/N, wrapping an arm around her.

Turns out, Lucy was right. It is a wild night filled with laughs and loads of beer. Y/N doesn't normally doesn't relax easily around people she just met, but with Lucy's arm around her, surrounded by Lucy's friends who have been more than welcoming, Y/N allows herself to relax into her girlfriend's embrace as they play, a wide smile on her face.

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