Episode 02 - BOY'S LOCKER ROOM!?

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"Well..this is the detention room" you read the sign on the door

Room 117

The principal wasn't to harsh with you despite the fact Funneh literally filled a room with rabbits while the teacher was gone

Then again, why was the teacher gone in the first place?

It'd be pretty easy to get suspended on the first day with what you've done so far, but surprisingly, all you got was detention till lunch time.

"This is kind of overwhelming.. I've usually been 'The good student, y'know?" Worry crossed Gold's face

"I wonder who we're gonna see here" Funneh's curiosity led her inside the small room

Some how the weird stench emitting from there  wasn't enough to stop her.

Gold hesitated following you when you slowly walked in but she eventually did


The classroom looked like it hadn't been cleaned in YEARS.

Some of the floor boards were missing and there was spider webs literally EVERYWHERE. The mushrooms and the vines growing from the walls didn't make it anymore pleasant

All the seats were individual, each in rows. Funneh, Gold and you sat down next to each other

Although you didn't usually pay any attention to your surroundings when you zoned out, there was this one girl staring at you so intensely, that you had to say something.


As if you were the one to bother her, "You're stuck in detention too? Lame." She said.

"Its pretty obvious im here. Why are you in detention?"

"For talking too much." She turned to face you, "Did you know I'm the most popular girl in school?"

"Is that so?" You spoke sarcastically. You didn't really care

"DUH. And did you I can make you and your little friends popular too? You'll just need to do me a little favor..you in?"

"Well.. What is it?" You spoke out of curiosity

"Do you see the guy sitting beside me? His name is James. Earlier this week, he gave me a pendant. It wasn't even that nice but whatever. Long story short, I've lost it and now he's mad at me. I mean..who's gonna take me to prom now??"

"I'm guessing you want me to find it?"

"Duh, isn't it obvious? I think its in the boys' locker room. Don't ask why..Just sneak in there and grab it for me, k?"

"Ehhh its not really our problem that you lost it in the first place but sure, We'll do it."

"Great! When detention is done, sneak into the boys' locker room and find the pendant! I'll meet you at the roof top. Good luck!"

You brushed off the wink and turned to your bored friends, trying not to get into more trouble

"Gold!! Funneh!! This girl is asking us to sneak to the boys' locker room and look for her pendant"

"Are you crazy!? We shouldn't do it. We're gonna get in even more trouble." Gold scolded

"I mean..yeah but detention is almost over and she said that she'll make us really popular"

"I don't care about that, Y/N."

"C'mon even if she doesn't make us popular, we'll have an awkward high school story to tell our future children..that is if we even have any-" Funneh joined in

Itsfunneh Yandere High School: "My Lies Within" (reader insert)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum