Not An Updateeee

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First off, I want to thank you for being patient with me- I know I take way too long to update literally all of the time and I'm really sorry about that but please know that I am trying to stop my habit of dozing off so often

Secondly, I have started school once again so I will not be able to make updates any faster than before but I will still try my absolute best

For the next chapter, I have two choices for Y/N's costume for the dance so im hoping maybe you guys could vote? (You'll be able to see the choices in the next chapter) I just need ya'lls help with that hehe-

That's probably about it- please don't attack me lol the next chapter will be posted in a few minutes so ye

Luv u all!✨

Itsfunneh Yandere High School: "My Lies Within" (reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now