Episode 15 - Dirt

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The sun was out at this point, but even then, you wouldn't manage to notice it as the dark rain clouds were back and blocking the sun.

Apparently while you were out, Funneh and Gold messaged Kyran for a place to stay. Said they found Yandere's place to be frightening.

"You don't get it Y/N! You had to be there.. she was just sitting there and singing some weird song.. it looked like a seance" Gold was telling you what they saw, while you were half asleep

Your eyes were heavy and the car seat was more comfortable than usual. You rest your eyes before Funneh called for your attention

"You good? Why are you so tired?"

You lightly spoke, "uhhm. I guess I didn't get enough sleep?"

"No shit. Come to think of it, where were you last night? We woke up from the singing and you weren't in bed. We went upstairs and by the time we got back, your bed was still empty"

You thought of any excuse. It came out bland. "I went to the bathroom.. and then I went to the kitchen..yeah, that's what happened"

They didn't seem to buy it at first, but after some time, they supposed it made sense and let it go

You arrived back to the dorms for a third time since yesterday. It was getting tiring.

As you expected, there was a commotion around Valerie's dorm. The noise from police sirens, worried students and your friends was loud enough to wake you up a little bit

Funneh and Gold rushed up to the front of the dorm, asking what happened and why there was blood smeared on the window of the dorm

"We're investigating this dorm. We ask that you do not interfere with this room for the time being. Information will be disclosed soon." A police officer told you three as Funneh and Gold tried to get in the dorm

"C'mon let's go guys.. if something happened to Valerie, we would want them to find out soon. Let's not distract them, okay?"

You walked away lazily from the crowd as Funneh and Gold followed behind you

The sound of someone's high pitched crying pierced your ears

"What's that sound?" Gold asked

"It's coming from behind here" Funneh pointed at a bush that was at the end of a line of dorms. You walked up to it and there sat a sobbing pink haired girl.

Valerie was on the ground with a nearly empty box of tissues next to her.

"Valerie! We're so glad to see you here, we thought something happened to you" Gold quickly kneeled next to her

"Who would do this to my dorm.?" She sniffled, "Not only that but Momo is gone too! Did you guys see the words smeared on the window? ..It was written with blood.. I'm worried its Momo's.."

She continued, "The principal said who ever did this will be expelled immediately after they find out who it is. But how are they so sure it was a student?"

Funneh sighed and tried her comfort her, "I'm so sorry Valerie..who would do such a thing?"

You felt embarrassed.

"A big bully that's who. Senpai and James are looking for clues to give to the police. You'll probably find them walking around campus. Would you mind helping them out?" Valerie replied

"Absolutely! We'll do the best we can" Gold reassured Valerie

Valerie's sweet eyes looked at you. "Hi Y/N" she spoke to you with a weak voice. "You're usually more upbeat.. are you okay? Do you need a hug?" She showed a weak smile

Itsfunneh Yandere High School: "My Lies Within" (reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now