Episode 19 - Task Failed Successfully

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You'd opened her message to reply some time after.

What do you need?

She replied a few minutes later. Her plan to hurt Valerie during the talent show needed someone to mess with the motorbike she'd be using.

I know you're smart. I know you can do it. Hell, I'll let you bring along the weeb. Just get it done. The money will be there for you to collect.

She sent you the address, and you didn't reply.

"Should I call Kyran..?" You didn't want to bother him, but going on your own would have made you go insane.

You walked up to his room, avoiding waking up Gold and Funneh.


Yawning, Kyran said "So, what does she want us to do?"

You locked the door behind you, "For tomorrow's talent show. She needs us to sabotage the bike Valerie will be using so that she'll.. fall I guess? She didn't specify."

As you walked, you looked at the map on your phone and the skyline in the dark.
The cold breeze hitting you face and causing your eyes to water a bit.

"Sorry I woke you up, by the way. I know you'll be busy tomorrow but I can't stand doing this one on my own."

"No, I understand. We're in this together, remember?" He smiled tiredly

You didn't reply to him, but navigating through the streets, the light from your phone screen made your smile visible.


The place she'd sent you to was a storage unit near the dorms. It wasn't locked, so you knew it was the correct one. The tools and the motorbike sat inside the concrete room, ready for you.

"Okay. Let's get this over with."

You moved wires around with the little knowledge you had and with the help of Kyran, in hopes of not fucking up this time. Although it wouldn't be so bad if you did fail again.

By the time you finished, it was a few hours before you had to wake up for school. Kyran nearly fell asleep multiple times, while you looked like you hadn't seen the light of day in 40 years.

"I think that did something. Did you find where she put the money?" You asked Kyran

"Yeah. Here.." he handed you all that he found, leaving nothing for himself.

You sighed, and took $200 to gift him. "Take it. You didn't need to be here."

"I can't! It's yours, Y/N."

"Kyran. shut up, and accept." You brought the money closer to him.

He silently took it, quickly pocketing it.

"C'mon.. we have sleep to catch up on, okay?" You pat his back and began walking back home.


I just don't know where Kyran got that money from! Or why he decided to spend it on our costumes!" Gold was talking to you and Funneh.

It was an hour before the talent show, Kyran wasn't home, having only left a note that read "I know we didn't plan anything, but it'd make sense of we matched during our performance. Hopefully I got the right size lol"

"Look at his room. He has a TON of anime figures that look like they cost and arm and a leg. Should you be surprised?" You made up an explanation

"I mean.. I guess." She turned to yell to Funneh, who was still upstairs getting changed. "FUNNEH. Are you done yet?? You've been in there since forever!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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